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Chapter 43

|Nicole " NiNi " Thomas|

I had taken the day off to watch Mikhail play. They had a home game and some of the NBA wives or girlfriends were in the skybox. This place was amazing.

It was a luxurious enclosed seating area located high in the arena. We could either watch from the window or the many TV's they had posted on the walls. They had drinks and a three course luncheon thing going on. I got to know a few of them, we exchanged numbers and whatnot.

"Are you Ms. Thomas?" Someone asked me. I nodded.

"Come with me." He said.

"Why?" I asked. I don't trust, nor know this man.

"Mr. Daniels is requesting your presence." He said. I was confused cause Mikhail was playing in the game, but I followed him. We made our way through all these hallways.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked holding London tightly.

"To the court." He said. I was lost and confused at what is going on.

We finally made it to the court and it was half time. Mikhail was standing in the middle of the court with a microphone in his hands. There was a single spotlight on him.

What the hell going on?

"Dada!" London yelled jumping of my arms and and running to him. The crowd aww'ed. I walked closer toward them.

"Mikhail what's going on?" I asked skeptically.

"Nicole...I" He trailed off.

"You what?" I asked looking around completely confused.

"Daddy ask mama hurry, hurry." London said. I looked at the both of them. What are they up to?

I watched Mikhail get down on one knee. My mouth went dry.

"Mi-Mikhail?" I stuttered.

"Nicole, I-I had a whole speech, poem, and everything set; but all my words, once here, have went away. So forgive me, while I stand here with cotton mouth and trembling hands that barely steady as I kneel before you: Will you marry me?"

"Will you marry my dada?!" London shouted at the same time. Everyone laughed, including me through my tears. I nodded my head yes.


That voice!

You could hear some people gasp and whisper.

"You can't be serious?!" She yelled making her way toward us.

"Hold on baby." I said. She walked over to us, trying to push me out the way. I turned toward her and punched her square in the face. She was out like a light. I smirked. I turned back to Mikhail and London.

"YES!" I smiled hard as hell. He slid the ring on my finger. He spun me around hugging me. Everyone clapped and cheered.

"I thought you would say no." He said. I shook my head.

"I love you too much to say no, now go win this game." I pecked his lips once more before London and I made our way back to the sky-box.

|Mikhail " Khail " Daniels|

Nicole was crying during my proposal. I had instantly pulled her into a hug. I couldn't believe she said yes. Everything I planned to say had quickly went out the window so I had to wing it. Then dumb ass had to try and ruin our moment. I was glad Nicole knocked her ass out.

After we won the game we hit the locker rooms.

"Congrats man." Joel said.

"Thanks bruh." I said dapping him up.

I got a few congratulations from some of my team members and the coaches.

Once I had everything I walked out the locker room and Nicole was standing there with a sleeping London in her arms.

"How long you been out here?"

"A few minutes." She answered. I took London from her and we made our way to the parking lot. I was ready to go home and get in my bed and sleep with my fiance in my arms.


"Baby why you crying?" I asked Nicole.

"You're just so damn good to me." She said. I chuckled.

"You know I try my hardest to make you happy every chance I get." I said. It's true. I do everything to make sure she happy, because she do the same for me. She smiled and kissed me. We pulled away from the kiss and she snuggled into me.

I can't wait to make her Mrs. Mikhail Daniels.

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