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Heaths pov: (37)

Me and Zane broke up. 2years today. It feels like I only just got him back. Zane broke up with me. He said he found someone new and better. He said I'd move on, I thought I would have by now. But I haven't, I have to see them every time I'm at scottys. There always there, his names Garrett. He's tall, beautiful blue eyes, muddy blonde hair, glasses. He's perfect for zane. Well today I'm going to David's along side everyone else. That means there going.
(Skip to when I got there)
D:"heath! Your finally coming back."
H:"yeah I suppose."
As I look up I see everyone, Carly, Bruce, Erin, CJ, David, Liza, Todd, Olivia, Scotty, Kristen, Jonah, Natalie, Jeff, joe...than I see zane and Garrett. I put my head back down and slowly make my way over to the sofa.
I look up to see zane looking at me.
After about 10mins I can't handle it no more. I went back to smoking...
H:"I'll be back."
As I stood up I saw zane watching my every move.
As I sat outside I lit my cigarette and started to smoke it.
:"what's your problem?"
As I look up I see Garrett.
H:"I don't have one."
G:"well then fuck off and leave zane alone, he left you."
H:"I know. You see that's why I hardly come anymore! I want to move on I just can't! I love him that's no my fault."
G:"well fucking stop then because he doesn't love you anymore."
I stood up and punched Garrett in the face making him fall back. I went inside and got my bag.
H:"I'm going home."
As I went to my car my door opened I saw David. I fell into his arms and began to cry.
D:"hey, hey, hey heath it's okay."
H:"it's not okay. I can't move on and just hearing someone say he doesn't love me anymore...it destroys me Dave. He's my bestfriend or was anyways. I'm just nothing to him any more."
D:"that's not true."
I the hear someone else. Zane.
Z:"why the fuck heath? Get over yourself!"
I sighed.
H:"I'm sorry Garrett..."
G:"I ment everything I said."
H:"I know you did, and I believed every single word of it. I believed that every single time that I saw you two together that your perfect together. But then today...when you said that I realised your not. Zane would never of let me say that I would of never said that. Zanes so kind, generous, sweet, amazing, beautiful..hes the fucking best...your going to hurt him."
I turned my car on.
H:"I need to leave."
David closed my door.
D:"I'll be around tomorrow heath."
H:"don't bother, I won't be here."
I sped off before they can ask anything else.


As I got home I sat at my desk and got out paper and a pen.

'Hey..so as soon as you see this, I'd be gone...
I'm sorry I'm doing this. I just can't live anymore. I can't move on. I can't do nothing right, I cry every night trying to sleep but when I sleep all I think about is you Zane hijazi.
Well I mean congratulations man..your gonna get married to this Garrett. Wow now I'm jealous. He got to marry you and I don't? Well anyways I hope that goes well.
I will miss you a lot. Every single one of you.
And I mean it,
I could go on for ages writing this. But I'm gonna chose the main people to put in this.
Thanks a lot for starting my career, thanks for trying to help me. I know I can be a lot at times but now you don't have to put up with that. I wish you well man. I will miss all our stupid funny arguments. And little convocations about anything and everything.
Thanks for helping me through the breakup, you really know how to sort this all out. I would say try keep the drinking on the down low but it's hard. And now I know that. I will miss writing and producing songs with you. I will miss everything that we done together that we promised not to say.
Thank you so much girls for making me laugh, showing me what it's like to be in a happy relationship. Thanks for sending me all these memes. I will miss talking shit about people. I will miss everything that we done.

And that means I'm left with you.
God I have a bucket list to say about you, I will miss coffee talk, I will miss little arguments, I'll miss seeing your amazing smile, I will miss listening to your story's, I will miss you going on about a video, I will miss cuddling, I will miss watching the office with you, I will miss your style, how you made me laugh, how you chose my song covers, ideas for songs I will miss the fact that you will never be mine again... I'm sorry that I fell for yo-'

As I was nearly done writing I hear a knock at my door.
I put my pen down and open the door to see David and zane.
As they walked in zane walked closer to my desk. I ran over there and picked up the notes and hid them in my pockets.
Z:"what was that?"
H:"non of your concern at this moment of time. You'll see them tomorrow."
H:"I need to do my last video...so you can either be in it or leave."
They nodded, David set up my camera in my room they ignored the broken walls and the blood stains, all the empty bottles smashed glass, broken mirror, all the cigarette box's.
H:"let's do this."
As David sat next to zane just behind me I started.
H:"hey guys...today I want to be saying that this will be my last video ever. This may not be a surprise to most of you, if you notice the way I'm now filming. Last year I told you all that I was depressed..this year I'm telling you all that it's got a lot worse. This will be David's and Zanes last time seeing me. So I just want to say thank you."
They looked at me confused I had a tear in my eye.
H:"today's last shout out goes to the squad, thank you so fucking much on helping me...thank you all for the fun times and I hope you all do well. Goodbye."
I shut the camera off took out the SIM card and put it on my desk.
I turned and faced them both my face was soaked in tears.
H:"Yh Dave."
D:"we will miss you. Where ever you decide to go keep in touch."
H:"I'm not sure it's possible."
Z:"I'm not dumb heath."
He stood up and came closer to me.
H:"if your gonna hit me for what I don't to Garrett do it hard. Really hard so it will knock me out."
He put his hand in my pocket and took out the notes.
H:"give it back Zane."
Z:"no. You don't deserve that heath."
He grabbed a lighter and some oil and ran out the house.
Me and David followed.
He was now in my back yard. The notes was on the ground and he was poori g oil on them.
Z:"it's not only been hard for you heath.. but god it's been hard for me."
H:"how has it been hard on you zane? Your not the one getting depressed, smoking, harming, drinking, your not the one that got told that I dont love you! Because I fucking do love you Zane. I have tried my hardest to avoid you because my 'boyfriend' fucking hates you no! You don't know what that fucking feels like do you? Your not the one that gets comments saying, he's acting depressed for views and support are you? No because you don't fucking know what it's like to be me! I love you zane, and I will love you till tomorrow till it's not possible anymore and you won't ever change my mind. It's tough you know..I thought we was gonna be together till the day we die. I'm sorry. Let me say that. Let me say I'm fucking sorry for falling for you and then me ending up like this, I'm sorry for still loving you when you've moved on. I can't help it okay?"
I was not sobbing as David held onto me.
Z:"and I'm sorry for waisting the both of your times."
I ran to my car and drove to David's house knowing everyone was still there.
As I walked in like I said everyone was still there I saw scotty, he ran to me.
S:"heath don't do this to yourself."
H:"I'm sorry."
I cried into scottys arms as the door opened I knew it was Zane and David.
H:"I need to do this."
Z:"no...no you don't."
G:"maybe it would be better, not so depressing after all."
H:"see Garrett understands."
G:"it's true he's worthless, a waist of time and space. Look at you call, he's driving you all crazy."
T:"that's our best fucking friend and I'm sorry your not fucking speaking about him like that now or ever."

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