Chapter Eleven: Sizzle

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The rest of the Summer was a lot more laid back, and to be honest, extremely boring. I mostly hung out with Sasha, Sho, and Andre doing various things.

I spent a lot of my time at the Library, reading (to the best of my ability) and doing a lot of Duolingo.

Sho came to the library a lot too, occasionally dragging along his little 5-year old brother (who was cute as fuck and looked like a little mini-Sho). He would help me a lot with learning Russian (while furthering my Japanese) and in return I'd help him babysit.

Anna and I got closer as well, as I'd swing by the café pretty much every day, and she would even join in when Sasha, Andre and I would play some football. All fun.

But today was different.

Tomorrow was my first day of school in Russia, and you can bet your tight fluffy ass that I was nervous.

Sasha said he'd take me out shopping today in preparation, and the thought of getting new clothes kind of excited me. I love clothes.

He would be picking me up in about thirty minutes, which gave me just about enough time to get some breakfast ready and put on literally anything.

Since Dad had left for work before I'd woken up, I hadn't bothered to put anything on, and was now walking around the house with my dick out.

I started boiling some water to make oatmeal and went back to my bedroom to grab some clothes. Only to remember I had been procrastinating my laundry for about two weeks longer than I should have.

So, dick still swinging in the air, I picked out a dirty outfit (nothing special, just a cyan v-neck and some khakis), as well as a pair of underwear and some socks. A quick 20 mimute wash should be enough for at least today, and so I chose to focus on breakfast instead.

Aaaaaaaand.......I took to long getting my clothes ready. The water was boiling over in the kettle, streaming out of the side and onto the stovetop below, sizzling and turning to steam as it hit the hot metal.

Panicking, I reached out to pull the kettle off of the heat, and forgot thAT THERE WAS FUCKING FIRE AND THE KETTLE WAS FUCKING HOT. I yipped rather pathetically....and dropped the kettle to clutch my burnt paw. But I dropped the kettle back on the stove too hard, and boiling water sloshed out the end and, guess what, spilled all over my feet.

"FUCK!!" I screamed, jumping backwards and right into the island, falling off to the side and right into the cabinet under the sink, knocking the pot that was drying from last night right off the drying rack and smashing to the ground, merely centimeters away from my ear.

Because my ears were ringing from the loud crash, and, you know, three out of my four paws were burning, I never noticed the front door slamming open.

Sasha, who had gotten here a few minutes early, had heard my little disaster from outside as he arrived, and had rushed inside to see what had happened.

Confused, I groaned and grabbed the back of my head with my one, undamaged paw, as I had smacked it against the cabinet door during my fall.

"Well you're a mess." Sasha laughed, coming over and helping me up. Thankfully I only burned the tops of my paws and I was still able to stand without being in a blinding amount of pain. "Are you alright?" He asked, his face turning more serious and concerned.

"Nope." I grimaced, looking down at my feet and seeing that the scalding water had burned away the fur that it hit, revealing deep-red splotches of skin underneath. "I'm actually in an extreme amount of pain." I said, no emotion or inflection in my voice. Breathing deeply, I tried to take a step forward, only to stumble and almost fall, right back into the pool of water on the ground. Maybe I had burned my paw pads after all.

"Yeah, you're not walking. C'mon." He said, grunting as he picked me up bridal style and walked me over to the bathroom.

It had been a very long time since anyone had picked me up, and I would be okay with it, if I didn't choose this very moment to remember that I was literally naked.

"Holy shit, I'm naked!" I shouted.

"Mhm. Noticed." He said casually. What's with people in Russia and taking being naked as fucking normal? I asked myself, a little dumbfounded and embarrassed to be in such a revealing state.

Almost as if he had read my thoughts, Sasha spoke up. "Dude, we have the same body. Calm the fuck down." He said, setting me down inside the tub.

"I am calm!" I exclaimed.

"Felix. You're shaking." He retorted, giving me a smirk. "This is gonna hurt for a second, but it'll get better shortly after." He said nonchalantly, angling my wounded paws underneath the tub's faucet and turning it on.

Ice cold water spewed out and onto me, and the stark difference in temperature really did fucking hurt for a second. But I have to give Sasha credit where credit is due, it did start to feel better after a few seconds.

"Remind me why I have to do this?" I asked, using my good arm to cover my twig and pebbles.

"Well you have to put cold water on it or else it will swell." He explained, before turning around and starting to rummage around in the cabinets.

"Oooh. Okay. What're you looking for?"

"Burn cream and bandages." He replied, opening a drawer and flipping through its contents.

"In the drawer above that one." I said.

He grabbed the supplies and shut off the water, slowly pulling my leg up and applying the cream.

It felt soothing on my burns, and soon after he wrapped bandages around both of my feet, as well as my hand. To be honest, it looked pretty cool. Looked like I was into Karate fights or something.

"Alright. Get some clothes on Mr. Exhibitionist. We're already an hour late."

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