Chapter Nineteen: French Toast

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...shoulder. It was a shoulder. No sugarcoating available for that one. I know right! I'm so distracted by it! Sigh.

"Whoops! Sorry." I appologized, jerking my head up and sitting on the bench in the tub. I had to shake my head a few times, side to side to get the water out of my ears.

"Don't worry about it." He laughed. "This fucking chlorine man, it's burning my eyes." He groaned, rubbing them.

"Yeah, this steam is a little spicy." I agreed. The chlorinated steam was melting through my retina or something, or at least that's what it felt like.

"Want to get out?" He asked after a few more minutes.

"Sure." I replied, leaning backwards over the side of the tub to crack my back. I followed him up the steps and into the freezing fucking cold air, ringing out some of my fur the best I could. But you know. I couldn't help but notice all of the fun little parts of Sho's lean physique. I mean, it's not my fault! He should have worn...actual clothing if he didn't want people to look.

"So Sho, answer me this. Why Speedos?" I asked, covering my midsection with the towel.

"For swimming my friend. Regulations. Why, don't you like them?" He smirked, literally bouncing his fucking ass. Thank God he couldn't see me blush under the fur on my face.

In order to try and prevent a third little friend from joining us, especially since there was almost nothing I'd be able to do in terms of hiding him, I checked my phone. Suprisingly, I had actually gotten a text from Sasha.

Sasha: Hey, Anna and I were wondering if you wanted to join us at a diner for some brunch action.

Me: Yeah sure! Can Sho come? We're hanging out atm.

Sasha: Yeah yeah, bring Sho along.

Me: Okay, just text me the address and we'll be there in a few.

"You. Me. Sasha. Anna. Brunch. Diner. Now. Let's go." Was all I told Sho.

"Say no more, let's put our clothes back on." He responded with a serious face.

Okay before I jump into the next segment, I feel like we should all have a genuine conversation about pool locker rooms. I wasn't graced by the presence of a naked, saggy old man with a monster dong or something, so the muddy pools of rancid water and random articles of clothing would be enough.

Now here is why I mention this. One of those "rancid mud pools" (with a wee bit of a yellow tinge, not asking questions) was conveniently located right underneath the locker I used. So while pulling my nice, clean and dry clothes out from said locker, In dropped them.

"Fuck." Was all that I managed to say in response. Well, that and just gaping like a braindead moron. Which at this point...

"Ah. Well that sucks." Sho said, coming up beside me and examining the soggy clothes on the floor in front of him.

"Think I can still wear them?" I asked.

"Oh heavens no. In fact I suggest you burn them." He replied.

"Joy." I sighed. "Well, it's either epidemic-causing clothes, or I walk out of here and go to breakfast looking like a gay stripper."

"Well, while I would find it extremely hilarious, you're probably right. One sec, I come here a lot so I have a it is!" He said jovially, pulling out a blue and white striped hoodie, and a pair of shorts. "Try not to drop these." He laughed. Blushing, I took the clothes and nodded a thank you.

I had brought a small backpack with a towel in it, so I just slid the rancid clothes into a waterproof (or at least waterproof looking) side pocket and hoped for the best.

Back in the changing stall, I slid the Speedo off of my dick and unwraped the bundle of clothes. Inside the shorts were a pair of briefs, so I slid those on, then everything else and...voila! They were slightly too big on me, but you couldn't really tell unless you were wearing them.

"Perfect." Sho said as I walked back out.

"Thanks again." I laughed.

"No problem."


Twenty minutes later and we're pulling into the parking lot to a semi-packed looking diner.

"Four please." Sho asked the waitress standing inside the door.

"We only have counter room at the moment, is that okay?" She replied.

"Counter's the best spot." I responded.

We followed her off to the side, where a counter that looked into the bustling kitchen was. I set down my backpack and jumped up into the stool. There's nothing like hopping up onto a bar stool. I love it.

Sasha and Anna were running about ten minutes behind, so we had a while to kill before things got really interesting. Mostly we sat there in silence, sipping at the coffee the waitress on the other side of the counter brought us. I also fumbled around in my backpack and pulled out the light house necklace that Anna gave me, clasping it around my now-dry neck.

"'Sup fuckers." Anna said, popping up in between us from behind. "You two spend so much time together it's like you're dating." I blushed.

"You're one to talk! Anytime I try to arrange plans with you it's always 'I'm with Sasha' 'Sasha and I are at a restaurant' 'Maybe next time, I'm hanging out with Sasha right now.' Give me a break." Sho chuckled. Now many wouldn't notice subtle clues like this, but I definitely noticed Sasha (who had just appeared next to Anna, no surprise there) had twitched his ear. And I just know there was a blush somewhere under all that white fur.

"Whatever." She replied casually, picking up a menu. "Waffles." She immediately followed, slapping the laminated menu back down onto the counter. I looked my menu over and chose French Toast. No contest, fuck off.

"What are you getting, Felix?" Sho asked next to me.

"French toast, you?" I replied.

"Probably that. I'm an indecisive fuck." He chuckled.

"I see nothing's changed, Shoichi." Sasha laughed, putting his menu back down on the counter as well.



Another ten minute wait and we had steaming hot plates of some of the best looking breakfast I have ever seen placed in front of us.

Practically drooling, I picked up the syrup and was just about to pour it all over my food-

"-Felix! Don't!" Anna yelled. Startled, I dropped the syrup back down onto the counter (thank God without spilling it everywhere. "Aunt Jemima!" She seethed. I gasped.

"Who is Aunt Jemima...?" Sho asked.

"Aunt Jemima is the worst curse word in the Canadian dictionary. She belongs in hell." I replied, equally as angry as Anna. "Wasn't planning on breaking this out until sometime special, like my birthday, but times are desperate." I sighed, digging back into my bag and fishing out a clear glass bottle of pure, 100% Canadian maple syrup. I had barely set it down before a pair of lips were literally on mine. They were Anna's, put your dicks away.

"Felix I fucking love you!" She said giddily, like a school girl, pouring some on her food.

"What's the difference?" Sasha asked quizzically.

"Like calling cheez-whiz gourmet." I replied.

"Oh fuck." He said, pouring some on his food. Shoichi followed him, and Anna and I got to watch the pure magic of them popping their Canadian cherries.

"Holy fuck!" Sho said with a mouth full of food.

"You're welcome." I laughed, smiling and turning to my own masterpiece.

What will be next? What will happen in the final chapter? Will we ever find out how the fuck this will work out? Did I choose breakfast for a chapter idea because I'm hungry? How did Felix get a bottle of maple syrup through TSA? One out of the three of those questions will be answered in the next episode! Stay tuned!

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