June 9th

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I have decided to write a diary/blog style post today. 

Today I continued to read a book I am absolutely OBSESSED with! It is called "The power of now" by Eckhart Tolle. It is a book based on Spiritual Enlightenment. I never really knew much about this growing up until I met my partner who has began to open my mind to possibilities I never would have even thought would be possible! I have been told about paranormal phenomena that I never even knew existed! I wouldn't say that I was 100% sceptic before, but my eyes are a lot more opened now. There is a lot more out there than we can even begin to tell.

The Spiritual part of life has truly began to amaze me as there is so much we can do to help ourselves. Spirituality can help with some types of healing and also help with depression and stress. I have been using the crystal Aventurine and have found that this has helped an incredible amount with my anxiety. I can only speak from my own personal experience as I'm not a professional, But there is proof out there that Meditation and Spiritual healing can help in so many different ways!

I am starting to clear my chakras. Big reasons for chakras becoming blocked are stress and anxiety. These create permanent tightness in the body's tissue, and restrict the flow of energy. 

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read what I have to say, 

I hope you are having a wonderful day/evening/night.

Love Always,

          K xx

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