You can spend so much time looking at other people's life's that you forget you have your own one to live. Whether that is by looking at people's Instagram's or Youtube videos wishing that was your life. Nobody has what you call a "Perfect Life" It is all put up for show. It is an act. Every Relationship has its ups and downs an bumps in the road. It is the people who get past those bumps who are truly happy or satisfied because they know where they stand.
Never let anyone put you down or make you feel any less than what you deserve, and to you, The person reading this, YOU are worth a lot more than maybe even you realise. You need to look in the mirror and tell yourself "I Love You" Because If you don't love yourself completely.. How do you expect to love anybody else?
Love Always,

The Book of Poetry and Quotes
PoezjaI heard of Wattpad a while ago so I decided to create an account to write a book.. After a lot of time trying to think of a storyline and characters I decided against it. Previously I have wrote a couple of poems that I didn't really want anyone els...