The Confession

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It was a long fight with the Groudon hologram, and after hitting it more times than I can count, as well as fainting to the damn thing, we defeated it. 

Of course, this was before we found out it was a hologram, and- if I'm being honest- I did NOT want to fight Uxie, thankfully for us, neither did they.

A few moments after we defeated the fake legend, the rest of the guild showed up, extremely LATE.

I'm still pissed about that.

Anyway, it was a bit after the guild left, Uxie also leaving to "Give you two some time to talk" which... I was grateful for but... It was somewhat creepy how they knew...

Me and Gold went into the clearing, mainly to relax, but also to have some alone time, as neither of us had gotten any the past week.

"It's really pretty tonight... Kinda reminds me of something." Gold chuckled, taking a glance back at me while smirking.

I flushed a bit. "U-uh... Yeah... Really pretty." I want to SCREAM. He's been like this ever sense that daMN NIGHTMARE.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the dAMN FLIRTING?! I can't tell if it's intentional or not and it's been driving me CRAZY!

I looked back at the lake, the sparkling lights mesmerizing me for a moment, before I glanced at my reflection... The Riolu was staring back at me...

"Ugh... I hate this..." I curled up wrapping my tail around myself as I spoke, "I can't even look at my own reflection without feeling like I don't belong..."

Gold gave me a concerned frown, looking at my image in the water as well, "Well... I'm glad you're here, I don't really know what I'd be doing without you..."

"Probably wandering around being mopey that you don't have an exploration team." I jested. Gold laughed for a few moments before his face fell.

"I guess that's... Kinda true... But I'm glad I met you for more reasons than that."

... What...?

"Uhm... What do you mean by that Gold?" No, really, WHAT?!

"I mean, well, you're really cool, and nice-" I doubt that 

"Fun to be around-" That too 

"Strong and brave-" Isn't that you? Also didn't you just see me get knocked out by that fake Groudon back there? 

"Uh... Wait where was I going with this again?"

"Yeah, where were you going with that?" Wait- SHIT- DID I SAY THAT OUTLOUD??

"Huh?" YES I DID! FUCK- "Oh uh... Oh yeah! I don't think I would have made it this far without you Silv'" Why are you still complimenting me...? Wait......

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