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Brendon was shaken awake. "Bren, you got to get up", his mom exclaimed. He groaned. Brendon wasn't your typical 16 year old. He was broken, far beyond repair. Of course, he had to move, his parents recently got divorced, and he hates his dad with a passion. Moving houses means moving schools, and that's not good. Well, he never really had friends there, he was used to everything. It is going to be so weird about entering a different school than the one he had gone to for his whole life. He picked out his clothes, a pair of black skinny jeans, a black sweatshirt, and your typical black vans. "Hey mom, I'm off. I love you", Brendon tells his mother while pecking her cheek. "Bye Bren, have a good day, and if you don't like it, you only have to go there for a year", Grace explains. "Yeah". He walks out of the door, and into the cold morning air. Today was going to be hell.

~ Hey it's me,your favourite bi! sorry this chapter is so short, I just didn't know what else to add. Off to Dallons p.o.v

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