New Abilities

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Okka watched Stewart as he spoke to an invisible person. That had to be Nepthys, maybe one of the others, but a god none the less. Stewart suddenly stood up, putting himself in front of Okka.

"No Llyr! He's not a known vessel!" He screamed before getting thrown across the small hut.

"Ste-" Okka started before stopping, standing in shock.

There before him stood Llyr. The God of Chaos himself. This man looked the part. White, medium length hair that laid wildly around his six red axolotl fins that we're flared up in agitation. His eyes were black with small white irises that seemed to glow. His pale, white-pink skin had 40 small Xs of thick black thread down his chest with three under his left eye. He grinned, approaching Okka, his teeth like butcher's knives, bloodstained and sharped to a razor's edge. Okka shook, looking at the terrifying being.

Llyr approached him, unnoticed to everyone except Okka and Stewart who everyone was tending to. Llyr's large tail dragged along the floor behind him.

"You're my new vessel, mortal." He pointed at Okka, his eyes darker and his grin widening.

He wrapped his hands around Okka's throat, placing a scratch across Okka's stomach, writing in a strange language around it. Okka felt an overwhelming energy fill him, his eyes shifting to Llyr's for a split second. Llyr lifted the small 'mortal' into the air, suddenly getting knocked away by a glowing blast of energy launched by Stewart who's eyes became a stunning, glowing crystal blue with no iris.

"Llyr! Leave! Now!" A strange voice spike through Stewart's body.

"Fuck off Nepthys. This is my vessel. My body." Llyr held up a crystal ball, a greenish smoke storm swirling inside of it. "Leave unless you want The Bubonic Plague: Part Two now with the power of evolution." He smirked.

Okka shook as suddenly Nepthys left Stewart's body and Llyr screamed something along the lines of "come get me" and was thrown or pulled upwards. Okka fell to his knees, his body shaking and his head aching. Stewart stood, looking at Okka. His eyes widened and he grabbed a staff of splintered wood from the fight and held it towards Okka.

"Stay back from him!" He called, the few people in the building filling his orders.

All except for Lukas who approached Okka. He held his hand out gently, his pace slow.

"Hey... are you okay?" He asked softly.

"He scratched me... There's something wrong with me..." He stood, his hands shaking as he held them up to look at them.

"He's being tested as a vessel for Llyr the God of Chaos! He's a threat, Lukas! Llyr destroys everything!"

"And he's my Okka!" Lukas glared at Stewart, his eyes reading his protective nature over the new addition to the small town that was rapidly growing.

Okka looked at the crowd his eyes shifting from his to Llyr's constantly before he began to scream, falling to his knees as a dark red light poured from his body in streaks.

"His soul is being tested. If it fails... He'll die." Stewart mumbled, dropping his wood splinter.

A shadow was soon projected on to the cieling of Llyr in a similar pose, his head in his hands as he screamed. They both did this in unison, before, suddenly, it stopped. Just stopped. Okka fell to the floor, completely still. Lukas stared at Okka as he laid there, no movement visible. Lukas ran to his side, looking at him, searching for movement or anything.

Then, he felt it, a shallow breath. Okka was alive. He pulled Okka's head to his chest, holding him close.

"He passed." Stewart said, breaking the silence. "But what does this mean... Do the Gods have new abilities?" He looked towards the sky, confusion evident on his face.

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