Chapter One

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I grab my Starbucks coffee and my friends cookie. The coffee cup is cold against my skin. "My coffee is cold. Can you make another one?" I ask the tall browned hair boy with asian eyes. His eyes are dark brown, his hair has blonde highlights in the front part. His skin is tanned. By his shoulders, I can see that he has some tattoos. His black band muscle shirt looks good on him. He wears some black ripped skinny jeans. It's ripped on his knees. Has black VANS are a little dirty. 

Looking at me, he smiles. His (very) white teeth shine. "Sure."He frowns as he takes the coffee cup with the coffee.  "Damn... Mikey!" He turns and walks somewhere I can't see because the bunch of people that are 400,000,000,000 times taller than me. 

"What?" A raspy voice says.

"It's cold. Are you okay?"

"Need to sleep."

I take a piece of paper and a pen.

Tell Mikey that he can have my coffee.


I write my phone number if they need to call and leave $20.50 even though they don't need much. I leave with my friend's cookie in my hand. I open the Strabucks's front door and get out. I walk to my $1.2 million car, a white Hennessey Venom  GT. My friend rolls down his window. "HEY HURRY UP WITH MAH COOKIE!" I laugh at him. His quiff hairstyle, his blue eyes, his sexy laugh and his crystal blue eyes that you can get lost in them. I'm not interested in him as something more than a friend.

"Babe, hurry up!" he plays with his fingers and his lips ring smiling at me. "You look hot with my sweatshirt and my ripped skinny jeans and my blacks VANS." He winks at me. I arch my brow and put his cookie between my lips. I bite it and smirk at him. "Babe, no! What are you doing?"

"No flirting!" I roll my eyes, a smile creaking over my face.

"Don't try to hide it, babe!"



"Uh, excuse me?" The same raspy voice i heard says behind me. Luke gets out of the car walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist and turn me around. "Umm, sorry to bother."

"Hi." Luke says, his grip getting tighter around my waist. He kisses my cheeks and I just stare at him.

"You know what, mate? Never mind." The tall, painted blonde hair, tattooed, and pierced eyebrow turns around. He starts walking over to the guy who served me and he flashes me a smile. I jog to the boy. I grab his forearm and he turns around. I stare at his eyes and he stares at mine. "Hi." I don't response only to stare at him. He wears a white, black, blue and red plaid shirt. Ripped skinny jeans and some black, bad boy style boots.

"Hi." I manage to say, cracking a little. "You came over to me and my friend?" He smiles a little, nodding. "So.... What you need?"

"Need a ride." He shrugs sighing. "To my college." 

"Here in Sydney or?" I raise my eyebrows. "Norwest Christian College?" Today I start college there. I am staying at one of Luke's and I's friend's apartment with other 2 boys. How did my parents let me? Well my parents are dead. I have a little sibling but I gave her for adoption. I mean, I talk with her and we hang out and believ me or not, I love her so freaaking much that I'd do anything to be with her. But I can't adopt her, I am only 19. Wait I can. But I am going to Norwest Christian College. COLLEGE. So I can't adopt her.

"Yeah." He smiles again. His green eyes shine more than Luke's I got to admit. Uh, well let me talk with my friend," He points at the guy who served me. "and tell him to call Ashton. Ashton is one of our friend and he is letting us stay at his apartment with another guy and a girl."

He is one of them? Shit, I don't think I can live with hot guys. Me and Ashton are a... a thing. we are dating and he and I have dated for lots of years. Since I was 11 and he was 12. I mean, when my sister was only 6 months old, my parents died and I was 10 and I tooks care of her with Ashton. Ashton parent's adopted her. Yes, wierd, but I mean, I fell in love with him hhead  over heels. Iove him and I want to be with him my whole life. I can't wait to tell him about our future family. Yes, I am pregnant. Bad timing, I guess. But Ashton has always wanted a child, and I think I am ready for that. To give him what he wants.

"Ashton/" Luke rolls his eyes. "Ashton Irwin?" He chuckles. He walks over to me and the boy. The boy nods and Luke...." Shit! No, we are not taking them with us to  Ashton's."

"Luke!" I slap him on his arm. "Don't be mean. It's not like..."

"Like what?" Calum crosses his arms. "Like if we are crazy people who are going to kidnap you 2 and kill him and rape you?"

"No!" I say. "Lke, say sorry. Now." I order. "Luke, I swear I will call your mum." His eyes widen and I smirk.

"So why are your clothes so big?" Calum asks me as Luke says sorry to the tall boy. I look at Luke and he just stares at Calum. "Oh. I thought ypou were Ashton's girlfriend?" 

"Kiara!" Luke hisses. "Why didn't you tell my about Ashton and you? I am your big brother!" He winks at me.

"Ohhhh, I get it. 19 is  smaller than 18? Cool. New fact!' I wink back at Luke.

"So wait, yiou are Ashton's girl?" The tall gsays confussed.

"yes, Michael."

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