All Might

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"Fear not students, for I am here!" All Might stood at the top of the stairs. He had come to save us. The warp villain said a student managed to escape, my best guess was Iida. He somehow managed to get passed the villains and find All Might.

"Looks like our game is getting a continue," Shigaraki grinned.

The villains Shota hadn't taken out hesitated upon seeing All Might. They were clearly afraid of him. Faster than I could see, All Might descended the stairs while taking out the remaining villains. He went straight to Shota's side and rested a hand on his back.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner, Aizawa." All Might said as he picked Shota up. He looked to Midoriya, Tsu, and I. Before I could even process what happened we were out of the water, next to All Might. "You three take Aizawa, he doesn't have long."

Shota was placed carefully on the ground. His arms shattered, face bleeding. My heart was pounding in my ears and my breathing picked up even more. He was laying on his back and I carefully cradled his head in my arms. Blood was running down his cheeks and onto my gloves. Tears began to fall from my eyes. If Shota died I would be alone. I needed him more than anything else in the world.

Tsu helped me get Shota on Midoriya's back. My hands were still trembling and I couldn't stop my tears. When we shifted him he groaned in pain before whispering, "Kanna." Once he was still he passed back out. I had to pull myself together so I wiped my tears, careful not to get any blood on my face.

"You're fast, but not as fast as I expected," Shigaraki said. "All Might really has weakened."

"All Might! One for- I mean I smashed that bird guy but nothing happened!" Midoriya explained.

"Young Midoriya don't worry," All Might smiled at him giving him a thumbs up. "Hurry and get Aizawa out of here."

"All Might, don't let the hand guy touch you," I said as we turned to leave.

"Thanks for the tips kids," All Might said turning to face Shigaraki and Nomu. He ran forward to attack, "Carolina Smash!" He hit Nomu directly but he didn't suffer any damage.

"Come on let's hurry," Tsu said. We nodded and began to carry Shota to where the others were. "Kanna are you going to be okay?" She asked me.

"I'm just really worried about Shota," I shook my head looking down at my hands. They were still red from his blood.

Suddenly an explosion from where All Might was fighting made us turn around. When the smoke cleared All Might was holding Nomu, but there was a warp gate. It seemed he tried to suplex Nomu into the ground but the warp villain stopped him. Nomu sliced All Might in the side with his claws causing him to spit blood.

"All Might," Midoriya said with wide eyes. "Tsu, can you take Mr. Aizawa for me?"

"Sure," Tsu said. Midoriya and I helped shift Shota over to her. "What are you going to do?"

"I have to help him," Midoriya said with a determined look. His hands were shaking but he gave a short nod before taking off.

"Midoriya!" I called to him. First Shota was injured, All Might stabbed, and now my closest friend was running to face them. No I wouldn't let him go alone, I planned to get there before Midoriya. "Tsu take Shota!"

"Kanna wait!" Tsu yelled trying to stop me. "Where are you going?!"

"I'm going to help him and his bone breaking quirk!" I said in frustration. I activated my air quirk pushing myself faster, my eyes set on Shigaraki. It was his fault Shota was dying. His fault that All Might was injured. It was all his fault.

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