Hero Ranking

723 16 13

The days passed and soon it was the end of November. One day, after class, Shota asked me, Midoriya, Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka, to come to the faculty dorm. When we went inside we were pleasantly surprised to see Eri sitting on a couch with Hado, Mirio, and Amajiki. Hado was putting Eri's hair into pigtails, making her look extra adorable.

"Wow! You weren't kidding about seeing her soon," Midoriya said to Shota.

"Hi Eri," I smiled and went over to her.

"UA is taking her in," Shota said.

"How'd this work out?" I asked curiously.

"Well, it's not like she can stay in the hospital forever," Shota replied.

The others came over to Eri as well. "She reminds me of my little sister," Tsu commented.

Uraraka wore a bright smile, "we've got ourselves an Eri."

"Hey!" Kirshima waved to her.

Before we could get into chatting with Eri, Shota and Mirio gestured for us to come outside. When we got outside Shota said, "they say her mother abandoned her. She still has a grandfather, the Hassaikai boss, but he's in a coma for the foreseeable future. In other words, she's got no place to call home."

"Mr. Aizawa might've mentioned this but, her horn is the source of her quirk," Mirio added. "Everything should be fine while its shrunken, but it's starting to grow little by little."

Uraraka had a nervous look on her face. "Hold on...how do we know that won't happen again?"

I flinched at the thought. I remembered being on the ground, bleeding out. Midoriya yelling in pain as his body was being ripped apart. The horrified and scared look on Eri's face. It wasn't exactly something I wanted to live through again.

Shota seemed to read the look on my face. "All the more reason to have her here with us instead of at an orphanage. She'll be staying in the faculty dorm where I'll keep an eye on her. We'll observe her and try to figure out a way to deal with her incredible power. There'll also be regular examinations, everything one step at a time."

"That's a big responsibility," Tsu looked at Shota.

I knew that he would be able to handle it because he already had in the past, with me. It began to dawn on me how similar Eri and I were. Both of us had a powerful quirk and were experimented on. Luckily we were both saved. It warmed my heart knowing that Shota was going to be the one taking care of Eri.

"That's where I come in," Mirio said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Since I'm taking time off school. Plus Eri and I are already pals."

"I know you all have busy lives, but try and stop by once in a while," Shota said.

Amajiki put a hand on Mirio's shoulder. "Once Eri's mind and body are stabilized it won't be long until our invincible dude makes a comeback."

Mirio put his hands behind his head and smiled, "that would be nice."

"Hey, Shota, since you are looking after her, it's kinda like Eri and I are sisters," I pointed out.

"How cute!" Uraraka gushed.

I looked and noticed Shota wore a small smile. He turned his attention to Mirio and Amajiki, "I know it's short notice, but can you third years keep an eye on Eri?"

"Yeah! We can play a game!" Mirio nodded, energetically.

"Can we play too?" Midoriya asked.

"No," Shota shook his head. "Back to the dorms with the rest of class A. You're expecting guests."

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