Chapter One

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Dot knew pining when she saw it.

She knew when someone had a crush and wouldn't admit it/didn't know it.

So it wasn't a surprise when she called an elite group of people (aka the only people she could find that were suffering from a bad case of pining and could use some help) together in the empty science hall.

And she had evidence that each and every person in here was pining over their crush.

Dot's eyes landed on Tedros and she almost laughed as she remembered her encounter with Tedros and the terrible attempt of flirting with his emo princess.


"Where you headed?" Tedros asked.

Agatha glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

"To class," she said dryly.

Tedros laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I mean which class."

"AP English," Agatha said.

Tedros paled a bit.

"Oh. Cool."

"What about you?"

"Umm, I'm headed to Pre-AP English."

Agatha has raised an eyebrow with an amused expression.

"You're Tedros, right?"

The jock perked up.


Agatha nodded and mused for a moment.

"Didn't you and Sophie go out for a bit?"

Dot had no idea why Agatha was asking this.

She was sure the other girl knew considering she and Sophie were inseparable.

"Umm, yeah, a few months back."

Agatha nodded slowly and looked him up and down, making Tedros stand a bit taller under her scrutiny.

"This is my stop," she said curtly before heading to another classroom.

Tedros shook his head and ran a hand through his hair while muttering under his breath.

Dot raised an eyebrow and mentally added the star lacrosse captain to her list.


Dot's eyes landed on Beatrix as she eyed Dot with a raised eyebrow and a confused expression.

Dot recalled her rather unfortunate moment with her crush as well.


Reena and Beatrix were close as could be.

The only girls closer than them were Sophie and Agatha and those two were actually sisters.

Dot was just sitting in study hall when she noticed it.

Reena and Beatrix were working on their math homework when the former got confused about a problem.

"Bea, how do-"

The teacher shushed them and Reena blushed at being called out.

She leaned closer to Beatrix and whispered in her ear.

"Bea, how did you get that for number five?"

She was leaned across Beatrix's back and a bit closer than Dot had ever seen the two.

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