♡ The Adventurer♡

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" Life is either a daring adventure or nothing

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" Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."


Name: Maria Sophia Rianchiuso

Age: 19

Height: 5'5

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Looks: Antonina Vasylchenko

Looks: Antonina Vasylchenko

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Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Maria can be described a
s being a very competitive person, always up for a challenge when it presents itself. Her intense competitiveness is driven by her never-ending need to seek adventure at every corner. She often gets in trouble as she is always up to something that is most likely going to push some boundaries, both physical and mental. She has a zest for life, wanting to live each day as if it were her last day on earth. The world is her playground and she has every intention of taking advantage of it.

Overall, she is quite a frank and honest person, not afraid to call out those who she thinks are way off the rails. While she tried her best to be as kind as possible, she can often come off as rude.

Strengths: Open minded, intuitive, a problem solver and is skilled in outdoor activities (hiking, camping, kayaking, etc.)

Weaknesses: Short temper, claustrophobia, her loved ones.

Fears: One of the things she fears the most is commitment. She can be quite indecisive, so the idea of actually sticking to something makes her quite uncomfortable.

Another fear of her is that she's claustrophobic. The idea of being trapped in a confined space makes her feel suffocated.

Mental/physical health: She's in good shape physically and her mental health is great as well.

Backstory: Maria llvied a good life. One could say that her formative years have been nothing special. She grew up with loving parents, a great group of friends and an annoying sibling that got on her nerves at times. At a young age, her grandfather would tell her stories about his eccentric travels around the world, which in turn sparked her love for exploring and adventure. She would often go through restricted areas when no one was around and spend her time learning about the small town.

Nothing has changed since then as she still carries her childlike curiosity in her. However, her parents had an amicable divorce which did affect Maria greatly for a while, but she was able to understand that this situation was as best as it could go.

Turn ons:

- Confidence

- Boldness

Turn offs

- Not respecting her wishes

- Arrogance

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