♧ Bullets ♧

141 2 11

"Never get angry, never make a threat. Reason with people." - Mario Puzo


Name: Mischa Ivanov Chernov

Nickname/s: -None-

Age: 20-24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Mafia Boss// College student

Looks: Simon Nessman

~ Hair: Brown

~ Eyes: Brown

~ Skin: Tan

Piercings/ Tattoos:

~ None~


~ Bullet scars and grazes all over his body, mainly on his torso and arms

Nationality: Russian

Personality: Mischa is a very uptight guy. He always plays by the rules and rarely breaks them unless necessary. Considering his line of work, he can be careful at times, but when it comes to his own personal safety and health, he could care less. It's not because he sees his life as less valuable, he has a twisted way of thinking that he can solve all of his problems by throwing money at it. This is a problem considering that these acts usually put people that are with him, in danger.

Despite this attitude, he's fiercely protective of his loved ones, especially when it comes to his best friend. He's capable of building a wall of bodyguards around those he loves whenever he isn't around as he fears that his actions aren't good enough at times when it comes to the safety of others. He's very family oriented, so one can bet that he puts family over anything else.

With this said, he can get easily annoyed when it comes to those he doesn't know nor has no interest in meeting. Even though he has a great reputation, he never was the type to enjoy parties as he's more of a private man. Being an ambivert, he has the best of both worlds and is able to keep quite a good balance of the two pros that come with his mixed sort of personality. While serious and calculating, when he loosens up one can expect a down to earth man with many lame jokes.

Backstory: Growing up in St. Petersburg to rich parents, Mischa has had a fairly 'normal' childhood. He had loving, dedicated parents who always taught their children the importance of hard work and not expecting handouts. Even though they were well off, they put both Mischa and his sister to work once they were old enough in order to teach some responsibilit. As a child and well into his teenage years, Mischa was quite a spoiled brat, so getting his hands dirty was never the most ideal situation to be in. A polar opposite of his sister.

However, as time went by, he managed to grow out of his selfish and spoiled attitude, managing to gain a lot of experience as well as a love for business management. This led him to building the most feared and well respected mafia in all of Russia, a feat that he kept well hidden from his parents and sister. While he was proud of this accomplishment, he felt like they would be disappointed about his life as a criminal.

This line of work bled into his years at college where he established another branch in the States in order to control his business there.

Likes: Photography, business, learning, his best friend, girls, snow, Huskies, smoking, being in control, money, power, skiing, fast cars, yoga, alone time, making lame jokes, classical music, his family.

Dislikes: Hospitals, firing a gun, getting his hands dirty, being cheated on, liars, scams, feeling powerless, possums, loud parties, heat, being sweaty, being challenged, people questioning his authority, taking orders from someone else.

Strengths: A natural leader, level headed, economics, managing money, maths, handling a gun, managing difficult situations, perfectionist.

Weaknesses: His best friend and family, his heart condition (arrythmia), careless, unapproachable, squeamish, perfectionist, pessimistic, germans and Italians, physical activity.


~ Father: Ivan Dmitry Chernov// Politican

~ Mother: Natalia Olga Borsinov // Artist

~ Sister: Tatiana Ivanov Chernov // Little sister// Activist


~ Overall: Not so great

~ Mental: Bad// Trauma// Stress

~ Physical: Bad// Arrythmia// Doesn't take the necessary medication,


~ Russian

~ English

~ A bit of German

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