4- A Deals A Deal

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I walked over to the far edge of the mat and turned to face her as she took her place.

"Best two out of three." She said to me. "First match is hand-to-hand, second is blades only (No maiming)."

"What about the third?" I asked her.

"I don't expect there to be one." She said winking at me.

"Fair enough." I said pulling my shirt off and throwing it to the side. "You don't need to put yourself down like that, Liv."

She smiled as we advanced towards each other.

"No cheap shots." She said to me.

"Don't pull your punches."

"Pull my punches? I've been waiting to black and blue that pretty face for awhile." She said as she threw a punch towards my right cheek which I quickly moved left.

"So you think I'm pretty?" I said giving a swift jab to her rib which she blocked with her forearm.

"You're annoying me." She said going low and kicking out the back of my leg.

I fell backwards and landed hard on my back.

She took the opportunity and was immediately on top of me. Her knee on my chest and her arms pinning me down.

She tilted her head and smiled at me. "Gotcha."

"Don't be so sure about that." I said wrapping my legs around her stomach and yanking her back down the mat.

She was quick to get up and we both put up our fists ready to strike again.

She ran at me and jumped up at me wrapping her legs around my neck she spun around and yanked me down onto the mat flipping over her.

She instantly jumped on my back and pulled my hands into a handcuff like position.

I felt her warm breath on my ear.

"This time I got you."

"That was a good trick." I said as she rolled off me and let me get up.

We took our place on the mats.

I called Stormcaster and the two foot long, Olympian Bronze sword sprung to life.

Olivia on the other hand pulled out two daggers with green hilts and silver blades.

"Oh, I like those." I said to her.

She smirked at me and threw one.

I quickly raised my blade and sent it spiraling against the wall.

"Jeez, aggressive."

She smiled and opened her empty palm. The air shimmered and the knife appeared in her hand.

My eyes widened.

"Okay, that's pretty nuts."

She smiled as she ran at me going on the offensive.

We clashed back and forth constantly.

I made a quick slash and sliced open her forearm.

She winced but immediately retaliated with a slash next to my left eye.

I reached up and felt blood dripping.

I raised my sword as her daggers struck sending sparks everywhere.

It must've been getting pretty early in the morning because people were starting to watch.

"What's going on in here." I heard Hope's voice yell.

I saw out of the corner of my eye the crowd parting and Hope walking through followed by Landon.

"Oh, that's what's going on. That makes sense." Landon said to her. "Do you think this is what he meant by where he was going?"

"No stupid." Hope said walking towards the mat. "Heal Achilles when they're done I'll get Olivia."

Our blades locked and I remembered a little trick I saw in Star Wars.

I quickly rolled my sword around successfully twisting her wrists causing her to drop her blades.

I pressed the tip of my sword against the skin on her neck.


She rose her hands in surrender. "I yield."

My sword turned back into my ring as Landon approached me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he grabbed my face.

"Just a little trick I picked up while you were in a coma." He held out a finger which gave a small orange glow. "This may hurt a little." He said holding the finger near my face and tracing down my wound.

I hissed as the heat burned my would shut.

"That's going to leave a pretty scar but you'll be fine." Landon said.

"Thanks." I said as he walked off the mat.

"What's the fight rule?" I asked her.

"What do you want it to be?"

"Hand-to-Hand. I want a rematch."

"I sparred with some dumb people but no one has ever chosen the one they lost."

"That's why I'll win." I said smirking at her as we advanced towards each other.

I saw her right arm twitch and I automatically knew she was going to go for my face again.

Time slowed as she threw a punch. It came across my face as I dodged. I was quick and reached out and caught her wrist.

Her eyes widened as she realized what was coming. I gave a sharp yank and slid my body underneath her, flipping her over my back and slamming her against the ground.

She groaned and rolled over as the wind got knocked out of her.

I waited for her to catch her breath and get up.

"That was good." She said as she struggled towards me.

She was injured and I knew I had this one easily.

She weakly threw punches and tried her best to prevail but she was just too weak.

We walked circles around each other as more people entered to watch.

"I'm sorry." I said to her before I released a sharp kick to her stomach causing her to stumble to the ground.

Claps and cheers rang out across the gym as people passed money around and began to leave.

I tossed Olivia her water bottle and crouched in front of her as she sat up.

"That was fun to watch." Hope said coming over with Landon.

"We're gonna go into town and get some breakfast since we technically don't have class. Wanna come?" Landon asked.

I looked at Olivia who nodded her head.

"Yeah, we'll catch up with you guys in the driveway." I said to them as they left.

She was defeated and I could tell she was ashamed and I felt bad.

"That was some pretty good fighting, where'd you learn to fight like that?"

"You just learn when you grow up on the streets." She said sadly.

I nodded and helped her to her feet.

"Time to talk."

She nodded.

"A deals a deal."

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