「six 」

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literally i abandoned this story and i felt SO BAD. like it's been getting a lot of attention lately ? which, i don't even understand bc my stories are all wack, but, it did make me remember that i haven't updated this story in awhile, and it really made me sad. honestly, though, the only reasons i haven't posted a new chapter in awhile were just because i was 1. ) focusing on other stories. 2. ) really lazy and unmotivated to write. and 3. ) was kinda burnt out on victorious. but !! now i'm back, and i'm better than ever baby.

sO ! here's the sixth chapter. it is,, very long. the longest chapter i've had yet ( not count this author's note. ) but, i hope you enjoy it <3 

- tesla 



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     A COUPLE DAYS LATER, Robbie Shapiro found himself hiding outside, on the patio, in the bushes of Kyle Marchello's home, watching through the screen door to see if anything suspicious happened with him and that lady ballerina from their class in the privacy of his own home. Robbie had been there for about twenty minutes; his legs hurt from squatting down on them, moths were flying all around him ( which was getting on his nerves ), and nothing had happened in the Marchello household besides Kyle sitting on the couch, watching football.

Robbie thought about leaving already, despite the short time he's been spying on Maisie's boyfriend. Both because he was uncomfortable with all that was happening to him out behind the bush, and also because he felt really bad about spying on Maisie's boyfriend. Sure, at first it seemed like a good idea, but now, he was really starting to regret actually going through with the plan. Oh, why did Andre give him this idea?

Of course, Robbie had good intentions with the spying. He didn't come here because he wanted to catch Kyle cheating, or something else bad that explained why he was ditching Maisie, despite what you might think. He was hoping that it was something - well, you know, not bad. Because, even if he didn't particularly like Kyle ( for reasons he won't disclose ), Maisie was his best friend - had been his best friend since their freshmen year. All he cared about was her well-being, and if Kyle ended up hurting her, then he'd be hurt too.

This being said, if she found out he was spying on her boyfriend in his home from his patio just because he thought that maybe something fishy was going on with Kyle behind closed doors, rather than him coming to her first and talking to her about it, then she might get hurt from that too. But, then again, how would he even go about bringing that up? 'Hey Maisie, how was art class? Oh, and by the way, I think your boyfriend of a year might be cheating on you. Have a nice day.' Yeah, like that'd go over well.

Honestly, the whole situation at hand is giving Robbie a headache, and he's unsure of what to do, and if what he's doing now is okay. If he sticks around for maybe twenty extra minutes or so, he's hoping that nothing will happen, then he can go home, and nobody ( except maybe Andre, if he asks ) will ever know that he was spying on his best friend's boyfriend. And, by miracle, all of the suspicious things Kyle has been doing lately will reveal themselves to be apart of something that's not bad, and everything will be good with him and Maisie. And, maybe, by some miracle, girls will start to think Robbie is cool, and want to go out with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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