Keeping Warm ( Eleventh Doctor x Reader)

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Summary: You're bitter about Christmas due to personal reasons and The Doctor tries to cheer you up by causing a mess in your apartment. He fails but you force him to stay with you for the night until the snowstorm outside cuts the power, making you both cold and trying to keep warm until one thing leads  to another.

Author's Note:
Boy oh boy so this is legit my first ever smut fic I have ever wrote. I'm not sure if it's good or not but Sweet Baby Jesus I'm so nervous about uploading this. I apologize if this is terrible.
On another note I based the whole Christmas stuff from my own experiences and feelings about Christmas. Even the game thing I mention here is what we used to do as a family but ya know..shit happens. Also damn I didn't mean to make this so lengthy. I apologize for any errors!

EDIT (August 4th, 2023)
It's been a long time since I looked at this but I'm very flattered by how many people love this! I honestly wrote this back when I was 20 for fun. I didn't expect it to get so many views and such.

I highly doubt I'll write more entries for this. The only thing I write now is stuff for my characters and such. I wish I could come back to this but creativity and motivation has died down a lot over the years.

Either way, thank you to everyone who has commented, liked, favorite, ect. Means a lot. 💜

Word Count: 3585

Warnings: SMUUUUT, cursing, unprotected sex (be safe guys).


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Christmas. That time of year where everyone is buzzing gleefully about their own traditions. Shopping, ice-skating, admiring Christmas lights, enjoying a huge meal, and spending time with family and loved ones. That last one angers you the most. Christmas used to mean something to you when you were young and innocent. Loving every single thing that the said Holliday has to offer. Now you are just bitter towards it. As you grew older, family and friends have either started to die off or drift apart from you for no reason, leaving you by yourself and sucks.

You miss the days of playing games with family. One in particular always stood out towards you which is where everyone sits in a circle with a random wrapped gift they brought with them and someone reads a story to everyone and when they say "right" or "left", you pass your present over to the person next to you on either side. You loved it so much as a child and honestly, you still do. But it's just yourself that keeps you company on this tedious day.

...Well you and the Time Lord in front of you.

"Seriously Doctor, you don't have to do anything for me." "(Y/N) dear I cannot hear you over the machine!!!!" You scoffed and crossed your arms in frustration, narrowing your eyes at the messy sight in front of you. The Doctor found out about your lonely Holliday's recently and decided to take it upon himself in making this Christmas the best one ever. He tried to persuade you by taking you to a planet that is Christmas worthy but you shot that down quickly. Which left him no choice in staying home with you and wreak havoc within your own apartment. The living room looks like a Christmas elf threw up all over the place; colorful lights on the walls, snow globes, random ornaments scattered across the room, stockings hung up by the Christmas tree for the both of you, and the biggest Christmas tree you have ever seen. ...It's not a pretty sight. The kitchen however...besides the colorful lights going into the room, it has become a huge mess of its own. Flour is scattered across the floor and counters as if it was like snow, lumps of cookie dough on-top of a cutting board, ingredients for...whatever is he is making, and all of your dishes that you own is out and scattered everywhere. And the culprit for all of this is equally messy.

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