The High Lord - Chapter 38: The Black Magicians

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For the last hour, messengers had reported that the Ichani were slowly making their way towards the Guild, destroying houses as they went.  Sonea and Akkarin had hurried to the volunteers, who had dealt with their swift visit with admirable tolerance and courage, then raced back to the Inner Circle.  During the journey Sonea had burned with impatience, but as she stepped through the secret door into Lorlen's office she began to wish the journey hadn't passed so quickly.  Suddenly her knees were weak, her hands were shaking, and she could not help feeling there must be something they had forgotten to do.

Akkarin paused for a moment to look around the office.  He sighed, then shrugged out of his shirt.  Sonea pulled the dress over her head and dropped it to the floor.  She looked down at herself and shivered.  Full magician's robes... black magician's robes...

Then she looked at Akkarin.  He stood straighter, taller.  A little trill ran down her back, similar to the fear he had once inspired.

Akkarin glances at her and smiled. 'Stop leering at me.'

Sonea blinked innocently. 'Me? Leering?'

His smile widened, then it faded away. He walked up to her and pressed his hands gently against the sides of her face.

'Sonea,' he began, 'if I don't—'

She put a finger to his lips, then pulled his head down so she could kiss him.  He pressed his lips hard to hers, then drew her close against him.

'If I could send you far away, I would,' he said. 'But I know you'd just refuse to go.  Just... don't do anything impulsive. I watched the first woman I loved die, I don't think I could survive losing the second.'

Sonea drew in a breath in surprise, the smiled.

'I love you, too.'

He chuckled, then kissed her again, but they both froze as a mental voice blared out.

Akkarin! Akkarin! What a pretty place you have here.

An image of the Guild Gates, and the University beyond, flashed into Sonea's mind.

'They're here,' Akkarin muttered. His arms slid from her shoulders.

'The Arena?'

He signed and pressed his lips together in defeat. 'It's that or the city,' he looked at her and offered his hand, 'come on, we'd better be quick.'

Sonea took Akkarin's hand and straightened her shoulders.  With a deep breath they set off through the University towards the Arena.


'So they've finally arrived,' Balkan murmured.

Rothen looked out at the city.  The late afternoon sun sent long shadows across the streets.  As he watched, three men stepped out and started towards the Guild Gates.

'What did Akkarin and Sonea plan to do once the Ichani knew they were here, Dorrien?' Balkan asked.

'I don't know.  They never discussed it.'

Balkan nodded.  'Time for us to leave, then.'

Yet he did not move, and neither did Rothen and Dorrien. They stood and watched as the three Ichani passed between the gates and strode towards the University.

Then, from below, came a hollow boom.

'What was that?' Dorrien exclaimed.

They leaned over the façade and look down.  Rothen caught his breath as he saw the pair on the steps below.

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