He Shows His Favorite Place in the Glade and First Kiss

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- Thomas
"Where are we going, Tommy?" You asked as you jog behind him. The fact that Thomas is a runner doesn't seem to make him realize that even his walking pace was fast for you. You weren't exactly complaining about it, but you'd appreciate it if he would slow down a bit.

"You'll see" he replied shortly with a smile.

After quite some distance, the two of you finally stops. You furrowed your eyebrows as you scan the building up and down. You've been here before, and Thomas knew that. Alby brought you here for the Tour when you firstly arrived in the Glade. Then why would Thomas show you this place again?

"Look-out Point?" You ask.

"Yup" He said, starting to climb the stairs "I know you've been here with Alby, but I bet he hadn't show you the special spots to look at"

You bite your lower lip. Height wasn't exactly your best friend. You realized one thing about yourself when Alby brought you up there, you're afraid of heights. You even made a small promise to Alby so that he won't tell anyone about your one special fear, but I guess one more person shall know about it. And to make it even worse, that person is going to be Thomas. The boy you've been thinking about since you firstly stepped in the Glade.

"You coming, [Y/N]?" Thomas asked, half way to the top storey.

"Yeah, coming!" You shouted back. You look around, figuring if you should really come up there. But Thomas looked like he was really eager to show you something. His brown eyes and bright smile just told you so. Now would you really back away and be a scaredy cat in front of him?

You take a big breath before climbing the stairs one by one. Your grip on the ladders were shaky but you don't want to disappoint Thomas. Not now, not ever. So after a few minutes of struggle, you finally got to the top storey. Thomas was waiting for you as he sit on the edge with his feet hanging down. He smiled at you warmly and stood up, "Took you long enough"

"Sorry" You mumbled, feeling embarrassed already eventhough you know he didn't mean it that way.

Thomas then took your hand and guided you to the edge. You immediately hold on the railings strongly and didn't dare to open your eyes. Thomas pointed at the North Gate but you were too scared to look at you only nodded at his words, "See that? The North Gate looks a lot more beautiful from up here. You can't really see the ivy but here, it's just a whole different story"

You nodded your head eagerly. You didn't even look at the Gate, you have no guts to. Your grip on the railings were so tight that your knuckles turn white. How your body tensed were also getting more evident that Thomas finally spin your body to face him and placed an arm around your waist, "Hey, you okay?"

"Y-Yeah" You said breathily "It's just that.. Heights kinda give me a tingle"

"Oh my, I'm sorry" Thomas said. His gaze soften as he realized how frightened you are "I didn't know, really. I wouldn't bring you up here if I knew"

"It's alright, it's worth it" You smiled at him, staring at his worried brown eyes.

Thomas then pulled you by the waist closer. His gaze never left your eyes. Your breathing was getting slower once your forehead touches his. Slowly but surely, he leans in. Your lips met him in an ever so gently way that you feel like bursting from the butterflies in your stomach. His kiss was so gentle. There was no rush nor dominance. It's just pure innocent gentle kiss. And you loved it. You loved how gentle Thomas always treats you. And for once, you actually forget about your fear of heights.

- Newt
The two of you were now in the deep part of the Wood. Newt's hand was holding your wrist close like he feared you'll get lose. You smiled at the thought of how protective he can get, but as the intensity of the sunlight reduces from every step you're taking, you become more and more worried. You know Newt wouldn't hurt you, but the creepy aura of the forest still scares you.

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