What Other Glader Thinks About Your Relationship

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- Thomas
Gally: "That shuck face, really. I can't believe he's dating [Y/N]. What does she see in him? Literally nothing but a shank"
Newt: "Thomas.. Well, he'd been quite a star since he first arrived here. I'm still surprised that he's already dating [Y/N], though. Tommy still needs to learn a lot about the Glade itself first, but he adds up his own bucket list with being in a relationship like this *chuckle* But anyway, I wish them all the best. They're gonna last long, I know it"
Minho: "Urgh, that couple again. You know how many times I need to hear him blabbering about his new girlfriend in the Maze?! We almost got lost in section 7 cause his words were distracting me! But the boy's happy. As long as he doesn't cause any trouble, then I'm fine with it. If he disobey his job, then I won't hesitate to throw him to a Griever's nest, with or without [Y/N]'s permission"

- Newt
Thomas: "Newt's a good guy, in short. I think they would last longer than forever. Newt's a keeper, so is [Y/N]. There could be nothing that can make them split up, till this point. They're probably the best couple in this Glade, I might say"
Gally: "Finally someone to make him shut up! Eversince he got himself a girlfriend, Newt had cut down his time to scold me which is a good thing, cause I can really appreciate it to not hear his thick accent everyday, urgh. Such pain"
Minho: "The moment when someone told me Newt's dating [Y/N], I was honestly not surprised cause I've seen it coming. They're both head over heels for each other and it's gross yet cute at the same time. I don't know, I'm not good at saying things like this, urgh, I sound disgusting"

- Gally
Thomas: "So they're dating.. *Long silence* I'll definitely kick Gally's ass if he ever hurt [Y/N]. I'm not even joking. I'm not scared of that bully anymore so if he ever dare to let her drop a single tear, I'll rip him apart and kick him to the Maze"
Newt: "*Scrunched eyebrows* I just hope that [Y/N] could bear all the mood swings she'll be getting from Gally. But I know Gally's a good guy, he's just having a bad way to express it. She on the other hand is a person to calm others with her words, so I think they match each other"
Minho: "Someone actually wants to be in a relationship with that punk?"

- Minho
Thomas: "Minho's a good lad, but his sassiness hurt sometimes. I just hope he won't get too sassy with [Y/N] otherwise we won't be able to recognize which one is the guy in the relationship"
Newt: "I would honestly say that they're not my favorite couple cause Minho's so full of himself sometimes and [Y/N] is.. Well, she's herself. Not to mention, the make out a lot *chuckle* I can't really put my thought in words, but I hope they'll last long. They should be"
Gally: "Urgh, that guy. Can I just skip this question?"

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