| Chapter Eight

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The following days fly in a rush for Lydia. After a restless night marked by premonitions and voices she hadn't heard for an extended length of time when the accident occurred, the strawberry blonde hasn't gotten any time to stop and collect all the information about what happened.

There's still not a single clue about what caused the sudden accident, or if supernatural creatures are included on the misadventure. The Pack hasn't talked to Stiles yet, as he should fully recover from his injuries for them to speak about the incident.

After finishing all the work she was assigned to, Lydia walks her way to her mother's car, entering and placing her purse on the passenger seat, driving home. Due to her short stay in Beacon Hills, Natalie happily offered to host Lydia in her home, as it would save money and strengthen their bond as well. Lydia was happy to spend more time with her family, of course.

Ten minutes later she enters her house, noticing that it is silent, and a small post-it on the kitchen table lets her know that her Mother just went grocery shopping.

Smiling softly, Lydia quickly walks to her bedroom, discarding her day's clothes and taking a long shower to clean all the stress off of her system. As she paddles to her room to change into some comfortable clothes, her phone rings and the image of her best friend pops on the screen.

Reaching her phone, Lydia swipes the screen and accepts the call.

"Hey, Ally."

"Hi, Lydia. I'm not interrupting you, am I?" Allison asks brightly, the mental image of her smile and dimples causing a smile to form on Lydia's lips as well.

"No, you're not. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, no worries here. Just wanted to let you know that Stiles is being discharged today. In a few hours, really."

It's been a little bit over a week since the accident, and Lydia hasn't visited Stiles once. She tried. She really did. But she just couldn't bring herself to walk out the door of her house and drive to the hospital, even if that was what she wanted to do the most. Allison has been keeping her updated, occasionally asking why she hadn't visited him yet. Lydia didn't have an answer for that.

Maybe it is the possibility of being completely alone with the brown haired guy, or maybe it's just because she really doesn't want to bother him somehow. Truth is, she hasn't figured it out yet.

"Oh... that's... that's great news." Lydia bites on her lower lip, already knowing the question that will follow her statement, for sure.

"Are you... going to visit him, or are you going to completely pretend you didn't save his life?" Allison asks with a slight tease in her voice, the grin pretty evident on her face just by the tone of it.

Allison knows all too well why Lydia chose not to visit Stiles in the hospital. She also knows that it has been being hard for the strawberry blonde to suddenly move into another state, away from her own house, and have to deal with all the supernatural shenanigans that living in Beacon Hills puts people into. She understands all that. However, Allison has always believed in true love, and although she understands the reasons why the two had broken up that summer of ten years ago, she still has a sweet spot in her heart to root for them. Because it's so, so obvious, that she just can't help it.

She hears a huff of frustration from the other side of the phone, and Allison's features turn slightly earnest.

"I... I probably shouldn't-,"

"Lydia, Stiles is still your friend. Everyone knows that. He knows that. And you know that more than anyone else." Allison interrupts, her voice strong and confident. "If you're so worried about going there just because you haven't had a moment to yourselves in years then remember that you've always been there for each other all those years ago. Come on Lydia... it's Stiles we're talking about." Allison says, her tone softening as the final words leave her lips.

Cold Bones But Where's My Love { A Stydia Future AU }Where stories live. Discover now