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Elijah ended up making Klaus wear this red Henley t-shirt that was blue in the arms, then some jeans and a few necklaces.

Elijah ended up making Klaus wear this red Henley t-shirt that was blue in the arms, then some jeans and a few necklaces

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Elijah went with a dark green t-shirt, a necklace, black jacket and black jeans.

Once they got there, they saw Elijah with a grey t-shirt, a black jacket and some jeans.

"Wow! Niklaus Mikaelson... Are you really here or am I hallucinating?" Kol asked when saw his brothers.

"I'm here. But I don't know if I'll stay long. I feel like being around your frat buddies will kill my brain cells." Klaus said.

"Brother, remember what we talked about." Elijah said, making Klaus sigh.

"I'll give this a try but I won't promise anything." Klaus whispered and went to where the drinks were, quickly noticing they only had cheap beer.

Once the girls appeared in the party, Rebekah and Caroline went to get drinks and went to the dance floor, starting to dance with each other.

While the two blondes danced, the two brunettes went to get some drinks and try to meet new people.

"Hello darling!" Bonnie hears, turning around to see a guy smirking and looking at her.


"I'm Kol."


"Well, Bonnie... My buddies and I were having this debate... and maybe you could help us out."

"What is it?"

"We were debating weather or not British guys are better kissers than Americans. Wanna settle our debate?"

"Eww! Did that line ever worked?" Bonnie asked in shock.

"Eww! Did that line ever worked?" Bonnie asked in shock

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"Aren't you tempted to see?"

"No. I actually feel sorry for the girls who feel tempted to kiss you." Bonnie said and left the room, leaving Kol speechless because he wasn't used to girls rejecting him, he was a womanizer...

"Well, I do love girls with sharp tongues." Kol smirked as he saw Bonnie leaving and her brunette friend following her.


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