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Caroline has been ignoring Klaus and it's been working out but it's only been 24 hours and she spend most of the day out because she was afraid she would say something to Rebekah and ruin Klaus's relationship with his sister.

Caroline found herself calling her mother, feeling the need of getting some advice about what to do about this whole situation.

Caroline and Bonnie were cleaning their dorm room when someone knock on their door. Caroline was afraid that was Klaus but decided to open the door.

"Hello, sweetie!"

"Mom!" Caroline said in surprise and hugged her mom. "What are you doing here?"

"You seem very stressed on the phone and I know how you can get when you start to stress out and overthink so I decided to come and surprise you

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"You seem very stressed on the phone and I know how you can get when you start to stress out and overthink so I decided to come and surprise you."

"Thank you. You're the best mom ever!" Caroline said and hugged her mother again.

"Mrs. Forbes!" Bonnie said when Caroline and Liz Forbes broke the hug.

"Bonnie! Look at you... Such a grown up woman. I remember when you two were kids and were playing with your little dolls and running around Sheila's house." Liz said, making Bonnie smile a bit to her. "You know... wherever your Grams is... she is looking out for you and I'm certain that she is very proud of the responsible young woman you become."

"Thank you, Mrs. Forbes." Bonnie said and hugged Liz. "I would love to keep talking but I have to go to work."

As Bonnie left, Caroline decided to show her mom how was college and they ended up going to Scull.

"The name doesn't sound like a good bar."

"Mom, it's a nice bar for all students. People sometimes even go study in there." Caroline said as they walked over to the bar, but as they were about to go inside, Caroline notices a familiar face. "Mom... you know what? I still haven't shown all the classrooms."

"Caroline, are you feeling alright? You've been talking wonders about this scull bar and now

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"Caroline, are you feeling alright? You've been talking wonders about this scull bar and now..." Liz was saying and then noticed a group of three guys who Caroline sometimes glanced at. "Is one of those guys, the one you told me about?"

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