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Kol had another frat party, Caroline and Rebekah convinced Bonnie and Elena to go, while Kol convinced Elijah and Klaus.


Once Caroline appeared in the frat house, she made an excuse about going to get some drinks, but what she really did was looking for Klaus to talk with him, finding him in the kitchen, holding a bottle of bourbon.

"Hey!" Caroline smiled.

"Hello, Caroline." Klaus said and took a sip right from the bottle.

" Klaus said and took a sip right from the bottle

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"I was actually looking for you. I wanted to make sure we were okay."


"Great!" Caroline smiled and noticed a few girls checking him out, which made her upset but she knew she couldn't be jealous. "Those girls can't take their eyes off of you. What about I'll be your wing woman?"


"I am a girl. I know how to talk with girls and how to make them make the first move." Caroline said.

"Why do you want to be my wing woman?"

"Because I want to be your friend and... I know we had these affectionate moments that I said it couldn't happen again... and I don't want for us to start to be weird around each other." Caroline said, trying to push away that awful feeling she had whenever she thought of him around other girls.

"Alright. So... which girl are you going to try to set me up with?"

"Who do you think it's the most beautiful?" Caroline asked and Klaus immediately looked at her.

"I think you can guess the answer to that one." Klaus whispered to her ear.

"Klaus... we can't." Caroline whispered. "And you'll see after I set you up with one of those girls you will completely forget about... whatever this is."

Caroline left to go talk with the girls and Klaus could only wonder how Caroline was able to be already setting him up with a girl, making him also wonder if she only felt attracted to him and that was only him who was starting to feel something for her.


Bonnie was dancing with Rebekah when a guy appeared.

"Hello, girls! Would you like to have fun?" He asked and squeezed their asses, Bonnie quickly grabbed one of his wrists and pushed his hand so he would almost break his wrist then Rebekah kicked him in the groin.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Kol asked when saw Bonnie and Rebekah with an upset face as the guy groan in pain.

"This wanker messed with the wrong girls." Rebekah said.

"What did he do?" Kol asked and then looked at Bonnie. "Darling, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Bonnie said and let go of the guy who run away, grabbing his own wrist.

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