Waking Up Early

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Zayn's POV

I roll over as I hear the door open.

"Not again Zayn," Liam, Great just what I needed. NOT!

"Liam how many times have I told you, DON'T wake me up before 8."

"It's 7:40"

"My point exactly"

Liam always wakes me up at this time. Every, Single, DAY. Even on weekends, who the hell gets up at this time on a weekend!

"Liam just five more minutes?"

"Zayn have you forgot already?"

"No of course not, we have maths."

I hear Liam chuckle, he knows how much I hate maths. I have to sit at the back, well who can complain about sitting at the back, but you know why I dislike it? it's cause of out stupid teacher he gave us a 'seating plan.' Yeah right seating plan my as-"Zayn" Liam snaps me out of my thoughts.

"The New Kid, remember?"

"Oh yeah how could I forget?" Today we are having a new kid at the school, all I know is that he's from Mullingar, Ireland. I've been there once for a family holiday, it's an amazing place.

Anyway, I check my phone and I see a new message from Louis, so I decided to read it.

"Someone's talking to their crush" Liam says in a girly tone. God I hate it when he does this, ever since I told him I was gay in 7th grade he's teased me saying I'm talking to my 'crush' on the phone whenever I smile. "Haha very funny, but no, it's only Louis, he sent me a photo of Lottie (Louis' younger sister) wearing makeup when she's sleeping, its kinda funny."

"Oh sorry"

"Nah it's cool, um I better get dressed."

"Yeah sure iI'll go." I get out of bed and I walk to my closet, I grab out my outfit for the day, Black Converse, Black Top, White tight Skinny Jeans, and finally my black Leather Jacket. I put my clothes on and walk into the bathroom, I take a look at myself in the mirror and grab my hair gel and style my hair into a neat perfect quiff.

I go to walk out of the bathroom then I remembered forgot to brush my teeth so I quickly did that. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my phone off the charger and put it in my jacket pocket, I go to pack my bag when I remember I lost my time table, great.

"LIAM GET IN HERE NOW!" I yell trying to get his attention

"Woah calm down Zee"

"Sorry, um what do you have today?"

"We have Maths, Science, Art, Drama and Social Studies."

"Thanks" I grab the right books and put them in my bag.

"Alright lets go." Liam and I walk down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning Mrs Mailk"

"Morning Mum"

"Morning boys." I take 2 slices of toast, one for Liam and myself. I give Liam his piece and we both walk out the door, and saw Harry and Louis waiting in the car. We jump in the back and the boys start the car.

Louis turned on the radio and everyone started to sing to Drunk by Ed Sheeran, I just zoned out and wondered what the New kid would look like.

Don't forget to..

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