• Four •

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Jarred body sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair, his head tilted back, asleep. He had been stuck to his mates side since he brought her to the hospital, late hours in the evening. The sun starts rising in the sky, and shines brightly through the wide hospital window and Jarred closes his eyes tightly, trying to block out the light. The sound of soft chatting and noise drifts through the door and Jarred starts to wake up with a groan.

Opening his eyes he sees the white ceiling above him and he lifts his head up groaning in discomfort as his neck cracks, stiff from falling asleep awkwardly. His eyes look towards the hospital bed where his mate lays, her eyes still closed as she takes steady breaths. Nick, their clan doctor, had given her a sedative through an iv drip, letting her rest longer so when she awoke she would be fully healed. Looking at the white walls he finds the clock and notices the early time. 5:57am. That only made him want to groan again. Normally he would be more awake but he had barely gotten any sleep the day before and what sleep he did have was in the uncomfortable chair he still sat on.

Jarred stood up, raises his arms above his head he stretches out his stiff body, working out the knots and kinks he unwontedly earned. Knowing he would work better with coffee, he walks towards his sleeping mate. His fingers itching to touch her again, his fingers trail up her jaw and he runs the back of his hand against her soft cheek. Warmth again erupted through him, a current flowing through his body as their skin touch. Pulling his hand back, he turns towards the large wooden door pulling it open, he exits his mates room.

The hallway was bustling with nurses, doctors and patients, many whom greeted him as he walks by. He was well known in the small town, working as an officer at the small police station. He was almost at the elevator when he sees Nick walking towards the nurses station.

"Nick," he calls out, gaining the clan members attention.

"Hey Jarred, what can I do for you?," Nick says with an easy going smile.

Jarred liked Nick, he was Jarred in ways. Easy going, friendly, and sometimes a flirt. Nick was a few years younger at 22, and also mateless. Though he doesn't let that stop him from having fun. The kid was funny and smart, especially since he became a doctor at a young age.

"I was just wondering when do you think she will wake up," Jarred ask, frustration laced in his voice from not even knowing his own mates name.

"Should be anytime soon. I only gave her enough to be out for a day, so her body could heal fully," Nick looks down at watch on his wrist.

"Keep an eye out on her. She should be awake within the next few hours, when she does wake up come find or get a nurse too. Sorry but I have to go check up on another patient. Don't worry she'll be up soon," Nick taps Jarred's back as he starts to walk away and Jarred nods distractingly.

Pressing the elevator button, Jarred grabs his cell from his pocket as he waits for the elevator doors to open. He sees missed calls, two from Derek and one from Axel. Derek's was just about his not coming over and checking up on him. Axels was short and to the point: call me back.

Pressing Axels number, Jarred puts the ringing phone to his ear, waiting for Axel to pick up.

"Hey," Axels voice hushes through and Jarred looks confused at his phone. Axel never whispers.

"What the hell are you whispering for?," Jarred asks him incredulously with laughter in his voice.

"Do you know what fucking time it is?!," Axel growls out.

"Why yes I do baby, it's time to get up," Axel signs in exasperation, too early to deal with Jarred and his ways, and Jarred laughs at him.

"Now, tell me you found something out about my mate," Jarred's voice turns serious and the bell of the elevator rings as the doors open and Jarred enters, pressing the button for the main floor.

"There's not much foun- just he- n- Jenna," Axels voice starts cutting in and out. Jarred curses as he tries to make out what Axel is saying and the line disconnects.

"Fuck," he growls out as he looks at his disconnected phone. Hating elevators and signals.

The only thing he picked up was Jenna. He guesses that it's his mate name and he smiles. Glad he now at least knew her name, he exits the elevator and goes to the small cafeteria to grab a large coffee.

His phone rings in his hand and Jarred figures it Axel again but looks down to see its Derek name popping up on the screen. Not at all surprised he is awake at this time. It was like the man needed no sleep, he was always up.

"What the fuck happened last night?," Derek rough voice breaks through the phone before Jarred could even say anything and he huffs.

"Shit, I didn't think you'd miss me this much," Jarred jokes as he grabs his hot coffee from the young female server who was eyeing him up and down. Jarred ignores her and she looks at him unsure and stunned as he would normally flirt or joke with her. But he now had his mate, he couldn't care less about other women now. Plus he didn't want his mate to get the wrong idea. Feline shifters were notoriously known as being possessive, of what's theirs, and the females being scrappers when threatened with jealousy. The last thing he needed was his mate fighting with women she may think he likes or wants. Or worse a female showing interest in him.

"That's not what I meant idiot. I mean about your mate," Derek asks him and Jarred fills him in on the little that he knows.

"So she's a feline," Derek asks questioning as Jarred walks down the hallway towards his mates room.

"Yeah, I just don't know which kind," Jarred says as he wonders himself which kind of feline she is. None of them met a feline a shifter before, there was many shifters they haven't met though either.

"Alright I'll call you back in a bit, I'm going to go check up on her," Jarred tells Derek who agrees but tells Jarred to keep him up to date on anything that he finds out which Jarred agrees too.

Hanging up, he sees the door to the room. Opening and closing the door quietly to not wake his mate, Jarred looks up and stops in the middle of the room, his eyes glazing in hunger as him and his bear growl in approval. His mate stood by her bed, wearing only her shorts and a red lacy bra, Jarred's body heats up, arousal shooting through his body as he stares at his mate in hunger.

Fuck it's been a long time, Jarred thought. Too fucking long.

Jenna, about to yell at the intruder who entered her room without permission, looks up and notices it's her mate and grins. His hungry gaze devours her body and Jenna and her tiger purr as they bask in their mates attention. Being a tiger they loved having eyes on them, especially if those eyes now belong to their mate.

"Like what you see mate," Jenna says seductively as she bites her bottom lip, her tiger urging her on to drive their mate with desire.

Alllllright, aha. So as you can tell a bit Jenna is not like Ayliah. Being a tigress they are more of a sexual shifter, with confidence and need for a their mate. One which Jarred should have no problem handling aha. So as said in the beginning there will be more sexual content than the other book. I hope you're enjoying it so far and if so don't forget to vote and comment xx (:

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