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You and Jungkook have been friends when you were kindergarten. Now, both of you are in senior year already. You and him are having a revision at the coffee shop. The place that you and him always went to.

You: Urgh.. this Maths are so freaking hard.. *your body slumped back at the chair*

Jungkook: Sure it is.. *sigh*

You: *drink your Caramel Macchiato*

Jungkook: *eat cookies while doing his work*

You: *stare at him*

Jungkook: *didn’t realize that you were staring at him and suddenly* ______!

You: Hmm? 

Jungkook: do you know what this is? *pointing at his book*

You: Where? *when closer to him*

Jungkook: Here. *still pointing at his book*

You: *tilt your head to look at his book* Ahh this one.. It’s easy.. You just take the X down here and you just calculate the equation.

Jungkook: Oh thank yo-

Jungkook froze when he saw your face that were almost touching together and stare at your eyes. Then to your lips. You were froze too by his stare and break the closeness.

You: *clear your throat and quickly look at your book*

Jungkook: *parted his lips closely*

You: *drink your Caramel Macchiato*

Jungkook: *look at you and sigh* ________..

You: What? *still holding your drink*

Jungkook: You are so clumsy~ *shook his head*

You: What~~~ *pout*

Jungkook: You have some there *pointing at your lips*

You: Where? *trying to wipe something but at the wrong place*

Jungkook: *sigh* come here.. *take a tissue and went closer to you and wipe some cream at your lips* if you do it again, I have no choice but to kiss you instead.

You: *shocked when he said that to you and he was too shocked of what he said*

Jungkook: *quickly wipe and do his work*

You can see that he was blushing while doing his work. You try to break the silence.

You: What are you thinking? You think that this is like Secret Garden? You pabo! *lightly hit his head*

Jungkook: Ouch! *touch his head and rub it*  Appa.. *pouting*

You: Heh.. I did not hit you that very hard Kookie-ahh~ *pat his head*

Jungkook: But still, it hurts. Especially here.. *pointing at his heart*

You: *laugh* you silly boy.. *ruffles his hair*

Jungkook: ______... *hold your hand that your ruffles his hair*

You: *smile* Yes?

Jungkook: *take your hand and intertwine them with him*

You: *blushed*

Jungkook: *look at you for a long time*

You: *stare at his eyes*

Jungkook: you know that we should stop this..

You: What? *nervous*

Jungkook: I love you..

You: What? *kinda loss of what he said*

Jungkook: I love you. *serious*

You: actually.. *looking down*

Jungkook: *waiting for your answer*

You: I love you too... *shy*

Jungkook: *smile ear to ear* really?

You: yeah.. *smile shyly*

Jungkook: I actually loved you from the day that we first talk to each other. It’s just that I’m afraid to reveal my feelings to you. But now, I don’t want to lose you. I want you to be with me.. *stare into your eyes*

You: I loved you from the first time we met. I didn’t want to tell you my feelings because rejection is what has been lingering through my mind and if it happens to me, I will be the lonely without you. That’s why I keep my feeling from you and I was waiting for you.. *looking down*

Jungkook: You’re not.. *squeezes your hand* since we both know how we feel towards each other, will you be mine? *look at you with hope*

You: if I said no, I would be the stupidest girl in the world.. *smile*

Jungkook: *hug you* Awwww~~

You: *giggle*

Jungkook: *broke the hug* so, with or without the cream, I can finally kissed you whenever I want.. *big smile*

You: Wha-

Jungkook: *kissed you passionately*

You: *touch your lips* YAH! *hit his head*

Jungkook: OUCH! APPA~~ *whining*

You: That was my first kiss! *pout*

Jungkook: I’m your first heh? *smirk*

You: Why did you kissed me here? And it’s PUBLIC! *shy*

Jungkook: to show them that you’re mine of course.. *put his arm around you*

You: *blushed by his action*

Jungkook: Awwww~ look at my _____ cheeks, red like a tomato~~ *teasing you*

You: *push him away lightly* Yah, we better do our revision.. *trying to focus*

Jungkook: let’s just do the revision at my house.. *smirk*

You: *look at him and your eyes are getting big* YAH! BYUNTAE! *hit him hard*

Jungkook: Stop hit me ______! Or else I might kiss you again here!!

You: *mehrong*

Jungkook: *kiss your cheek*

You: *pout and suddenly you kiss his cheek*

Jungkook: much better. *smile widely*


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