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You were dared by your so-called-friends to go inside the abandon house, which has been rumored that the place are haunted by a man. It's also been said that whoever trespassing the house, he or she will have to stay with him forever.

And that, because you wanted to be accepted and be a part of this gang that you thought cool to hang out with, you tried so hard to fit in despite your nerd-like appearance. It is a stupid thing to do but for them, you're willing to do anything, whether it's good or the other way round.

You and the other three girls, Yeri, Hyomin and Mima, standing outside of the house. You lool at your wrist and your watch strike its needle at 11:05 pm. You gulped silently and turn your eyes to face them. Looking at Yeri who's been huffing and puffing out some smoke, Hyomin chewing a bubblegum and Mima who's been staring at the sight in front of you guys.

You: so I just have to go inside and find anything?

Yeri: well, preferably jewelries if you can *smirk*

Hyomin: if you successfully done it, you will be one of us hun

You: really? *smile excitedly*

Mima: but, you have time limit too. You have until the time strikes twelve. If it takes longer than that, we take back our offer. Deal?

You frown your brows and thought to yourself that you have to be quick and nodded as you accept their request. You take a deep breath and went forward to the house. As you're in front of the door, you take a look behind you to find them giving you a thumbs up and gesturing you to go inside quickly. Giving them a quick smile and turn the knob and let your feet make their way inside. Oh, you have a torchlight with you too.

Looking around the room, which looks like a living room, you slowly went to look around. You switched on the switch to check whether the light can lighted up. But then you felt stupid for doing so because the house has been abandoned for more than 30 years.

The wooden floor creaked and make sounds whenever you take a step. Just looking at the place, you felt your throat dried up. With the help of your torch, you look everything mostly covered by spider webs. You saw a stair and decide to go to the first floor.

There are three dark brown doors. You went to the first one and saw what it looks like an office room with lots of old books placed on a shelf. The near-end-centre of the room have a table and a chair behind it and it's not facing the table. You look at every corner of the room and turn away and decide to not go inside the room any further. Little did you know that as you turned, the chair was slowly turning to face you.

You take a glance at the second door, you grabbed the knob and slowly turning it. Then, without any warning, there's a flying creature went ahead of you. You screamed and quickly duck from it and close your eyes while closing both of your ears with your hands, letting go of your torchlight.

You felt your heart can jumped out of your body as you clearly can hear its beating so fast. You took a glance at your watch, 11:34 pm. Closing your eyes and try to calm yourself.

You: stupid bird

You touch both of your knees and stand up. You picked up the torchlight and move on to the last door. Ignoring what's inside the second door, you twisted the knob. The last one shows you a bedroom. You suddenly cough by the dusky atmosphere and went inside the room. You open up every drawers and closets to get any valuable if you found any. You cursed under your breath as you can't find anything.

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