Chapter 11 - Explanations

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       After studying the mission a bit, we ended up going back to Phantomhive's manor to get ready for the ball. The servants had wanted to go but Phantomhive denied their request since he didn't want them to see him in a frilly dress. I ended up in one of Phantomhive's many guest rooms to get dressed to go mentally prepare for what was going to happen that night. I had no real idea of what that would entail but, I had a really bad feeling about it.

Studying my reflection in the mirror, I could see my beach blonde hair was tied back by a red ribbon into a small ponytail on the back of my head. I had makeup on, mostly to cover my bags but, also to cover up my bruised nose and busted lip. My medium build was being covered by a gray button up shirt, I was wearing a white tie, which was slightly covered by the black tail coat I wore. I was wearing black, slightly tight slacks that were being held up by a white belt with a silver Fiorene symbol buckle. Sadly, I had to wear shoes for this occasion so, I chose a black pair with slightly thin fabric and thin soles that wouldn't completely suffocate my feet. I was standing slightly slouched with my hands in my pockets and with a frown on my face. This if definitely not an outfit that I would want to wear day to day, or at all. Like what most most nobles do. Thinking about it, I'm kind of glad I didn't join Zeref, not just because he's pretty much the demon of all demons, a serial killer, villain but, I would probably have to wear something like this every day.

A swift knock at the door cut off my train of thought. Moving away from the mirror, I walked towards the door to open it, seeing Mey-rin on the other side. As soon as she saw me, her entire face turned a burst into a bright red shade, and steam started coming out of her ears. Since I no longer had my hood on, she could get a clear view of my face.

"U-um... Young Master is r-ready to go, yes he is."
"Alright, thank you Mey-Rin. I'll be down in a moment."
"Y-yes sir... C-come d-down when you're r-ready."
Nodding at her and then shutting the door, I turned to go put my coat on, along with the black rings I got from Erza, she said they'll make me look cooler but, I feel like that might be an exaggeration.

Walking out of the guest room, I started to make my way downstairs to meet up with everybody. Making my way through the hallway with all of the windows, I was able to look outside where I saw Finnian "tending" the garden. In reality, I could see the path of death following him, must have been using the wrong weed killer and ended up killing the other plants as well. He may not be a useful gardener but, I can tell he holds an incredible amount of strength.

Ending up at the bottom of the stairs, I looked towards the front door where everyone was ready, including the now feminine Phantomhive. Giving out a slight smirk towards him, I walked up to join everybody. They seemed to be a tad bit shocked to see what I look like, once I actually try to not look like trash but, it seems Madam Red could tell I was covering up my bruises. Although, she probably didn't know what for.

"Pardon me for asking but, why are you wearing makeup?"

"Well, with everything happening, I got about an hours nap in three days so,

"I look pretty much like a corpse, when Michaelis smashed my face into a wall, and then when I sparred with Natsu, I ended up with an even more busted up face."

"You mean to tell me that my darling nephew's butler bruised your gorgeous face up? Along with that pink-headed pyro?"

"Well, for one, his hair's salmon and second, it's normal when you're in my line of work."

Being a bit confused, Lau spoke up to voice what was, perhaps, on everyone's mind.
"And what is your line of work?"

"Well, I work for the Queen don't I? The Queen essentially requests us to compete in many fights, I'm part of a team that she's relies on quite often."

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