Leaving Canterlot

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The door swung shut to the purple apartment. A frustrated scream was heard not too long after that.

There was the sound of glass shattering, followed by terrified sobs.

A silver ring lay smashed in half on the floor by a broken vase, next to a violet haired girl with her legs pulled up to her chest.

She clutched her phone with her right hand, holding it so tight her knuckles went white. In the distance her dog Spike cowered in the corner, before making his way over to her. He licked her across her arm with his tongue a few times, before stopping and resting his green muzzle on her side.

The lavender picked him up and set him in her lap, stroking his ears trying to calm herself. Spike whimpered and gave her a puppy kiss on her cheek.

He then tried to calm her down, asking her what happened.

"Twilight what's the matter? You were just fine a moment ago. Was it your mood swings again?"

Twilight would've smiled if she had felt like it. She shook her head and hugged her dog companion.

"No Spike, it's not that."

Twilight wanted to avoid the rest of the conversation, she set her phone down and pushed it to the side. Spike looked over at the screen to notice it was still on, when he read the text, he tucked his tail in between his legs.

"Your boyfriend huh."

Twilight simply nodded and continued to say nothing, holding back more of her tears. Spike set his paw on her hand, meeting her gaze.

"You mind telling me what he did?"

If she were to be truly honest, she wished she could just forget the whole thing. But knowing her dog, he wasn't going to let her off that easy.

Besides, I'm sure you're all wondering what's going on here.

She took a deep breath in, taking a few seconds to exhale. Her gaze landed on the split ring on the floor, shattered pieces of the jewel that had once been embedded into it were scattered across the cold tile. She took the remains of the ring into her delicate fingers, holding it to where Spike could see it.

"He tried to propose to me this morning."

"That's great news Twilight, he's changing!"

Twilight shook her head quickly at her dogs response.

"No it isn't Spike. We haven't been seeing eye to eye lately. He's been giving me restrictions on where I can and can't go, like he's my parent or something. I'm not even allowed to hang out with Timber anymore. Heck, I'm barely even able to look at a guy. He only allows me to be around him, and he won't listen when I try to tel him how it makes me feel."

She bit back an insult to say about him, wishing she could just yell it out.

"To make matters worse, anytime I do go somewhere, he follows me. And it's scaring me Spike, I'm scared he's gonna hurt someone if I don't listen! I can't even be comfortable when I'm by myself, I'm not even allowed to be by myself anymore.He's always standing over my shoulder. Making decisions for me. We had a fight earlier today and-"

She paused, finally a tear escaped from her magenta eyes.

"H..he hit me Spike... he slapped me right across the face."

Spike's ears drooped when he heard those words, he desperately tried to wipe Twilights tears away when she started sobbing again. They kept falling faster than he could catch them.

"I.. didn't think he would go that far"

He didn't know what to say to her, he knew she'd say something to doubt his comfort. So, all he could do was snuggled against her, resting his muzzle on her shoulder when she hugged him. He felt his tail tuck in between his legs when she started crying harder.

"I..told him I wasn't ready, that I wanted to wait. H..he didn't listen and told me I should be g..grateful that he loves me enough to propose so early. I told him I didn't believe that statement. Th..that's when he slapped me and I fell down."

Spike whimpered and licked Twilights tears away with his little tongue. He noticed the red hand mark on her cheek, he was surprised it hadn't faded by now.

No wonder she fell to the floor, the blow must've been too much for her to handle.

Spike felt a low growl in the back of his throat, he never growled unless absolutely necessary. He didn't stop it when he spoke again, he didn't tolerate someone hurting Twilight, she was basically his mother. He got off her lap and started tugging on the rug with his teeth, pulling furiously.

"I can't believe he'd have the audacity to do that to you! If he really loved you, he'd know not to hit you!"

Twilight looked at the ring in her hands, she squeezed her eyes shut and chunked the silver ring across the room. It tumbled and slid down the floor, falling down an air vent in the tile. She held her hands at her sides, they were shaking as her breaths began to become jumbled.

"I never want to see that boy again, not for as long as I live!"

Spike stopped tugging at the rug, looking at his owner.

"What are you suggesting...?"

Twilight didn't respond and went straight to her closet, disappearing into the clothes rack that hung from the back. After a minute or so, she came back out with a suitcase. Her biggest suitcase, the leather dusty one she never used. The one her older brother had leant her in case of  an emergency.

She swore never to use that one, and by the determined fire in her eyes, Spike could tell, she had enough.

"You don't mean.."

He didn't need to finish that sentence. Twilight simply nodded quickly as she dashed around her room to gather her belongings. She ran as fast as she could, back and forth around her apartment. The only thought on her mind was to get out of Canterlot City, to get out of this town, to escape him.

She wasn't going to marry this bastard.

She wasn't going to love him-

He didn't love her the way she needed.

And she wasn't going to live in fear anymore.

Her bag was packed in a matter of minutes. Everything she needed to run away.

Twilight looked over at her desktop... with the photo of the rest of her friends.

Her... her friends.

She hadn't even told them about Flash.

She stared at the photograph, how could she explain this?

She stared at the photograph, how could she explain this?

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'They'll never understand.. I don't want them to get involved anyways..'

She wrote on the back of the photograph.. a goodbye note.

She'd leave it in Sunsets locker tonight.
But now, she needed a place to go.

She picked Spike up into her arms, and left the apartment without another glance.

"Spike, we're leaving Canterlot."

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