The dream boys

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"The entire city was on fire huh?"

Nellie set her cup of tea down on her table, watching as the violet paced her living room. She, as well as all of Twilights friends, knew Twilight was trying to process something, that something being her dream on the subway train.

"It just doesn't make any sense, I didn't know anyone in that dream I had. Well, I knew them in the dream but I don't know them in real life."

Nellie tapped the table, gesturing for Twilight to sit down next to her. Reluctantly her purple friend sat down.

"Do you think it means something Nellie?"

The chestnut skinned girl pondered on the question.
No they didn't really sound like dreams
Sounds more like a vision of some sort.

Future vision?


She couldn't be for sure, a few more questions ought to confirm some things.

"It could be, maybe it means something that you don't understand. Dreams are.. complicated to comprehend. Sometimes we have the ones that make absolutely no sense to us. Those are the ones that are special, and the ones we need to pay attention to. The ones that seem like the most bullsh*t, aren't really bullsh*t."

Twilight tilted her head as she took a sip of her own tea. Analyzing what her chestnut friend had just said.

"It sounds to me you have these kinds of dreams a lot? What were yours about Nel?"

Nellie rubbed the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly, laughing in a nervous manner.

"Pff- No. Me? I-I don't have those dreams-"

Another thing about Nellie, she can't lie to save her life, Twilight knew this already, Nellie had always been a terrible liar. But Twilight knew it was beyond her place to ask. It was beyond anyone's place to ask Nellie about that kind of thing. Besides, even if she did ask, she'd deny and deny and deny. It wasn't the time to ask, not yet anyways.

"That's besides the point, if you want, you can tell me what else happened in this dream of yours. I cant say anything to help you if you keep rambling about the fires you saw."

Twilight nodded and set her cup of tea down, tapping the brim of the glass as she thought back on that roller coaster of a slumber she had.

"Well.. I was on the top of the channel six building.. the one I thought I saw a guy on top of. It was the only thing that hadn't caught fire yet. When I looked up... there was this strange man hovering above me with this strange staff."

Nellie set her own cup down, Raising a brow at her.


"Yeah, weird right. He had the scariest eyes I had ever looked upon.. they were so full of.. death and a hatred for me, and I didn't even know him. I've never seen a darker shade of red in his eyes than anyone else's"

"Red eyes huh?"

Nellie didn't know many people with that color in their eyes, it wasn't common, in fact it was extremely rare. She only knew so many.. and none of them were good people.

"When the other three guys showed up, I found out his name was Emmanuel.. that's an odd name for what he looked to be.. he looked nothing like someone who'd be named that."

Nellie felt a sinking feeling in her chest and she averted her gaze from Twilight. The name Emmanuel seemed to ring a bell to her too. She quickly looked back at Twilight who continued on with the description of her wild dream.

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