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Dani and Daniel spend almost every day with each other. Dani felt terrible towards her two friends Finn and Oliver for not spending much time with them. But since she doesn't have much time left with Daniel before he's going back to his Formula One world, she couldn't help but spend as much time with him as possible. She hoped her friends would understand. They had a lot of time to catch up and somehow the time that they spend together didn't seem to be enough time. 
Dani just came out of the shower after having spent her whole day together with Daniel on the beach. She walked inside her room with some comfortable clothes and wet hair. Daniel was lying with his back on Dani's bed. He found the famous wooden box that Dani has kept all these years and it was no surprise that he took a look inside the box. He had the box laying next to him while a few pictures were spread over his chest as he seemed to be concentrated on a picture in his hand. Dani watched him from the door opening of her room with a smile.
'You took ages,' Daniel said casually as he put the picture back in the box and picked up another picture that laying on his chest. Dani smiled as she closed the door beside her and stepped further inside her room. 
'Where did you find that?' she asked as she curled her arms over each other. She sat down carefully on the end of the bed and while she stretched out her legs she looked back at Daniel. He looked up to her and grinned.
'Where I found it the first time,' he said as his hand travelled up to Dani's wrist before he pulled her towards her, making her almost lay down on the box. She saved the box by holding it before lying down next to Daniel. She moved her head towards him as he softly went over the picture with his finger. 
'I think we should put new memories in this box.' Daniel suddenly said as he put the picture back in the box that Dani was still holding in her hands. While Daniel was already looking at the next picture, Dani took out the picture he just looked at. 
'We?' Dani asked with a frown as her eyes went back to the picture she was holding. It was one of the last races Dani had watched of Daniel in Australia. How she missed watching him race. Daniel turned his head towards her and put his arm around her. 
'Am I not right then? I've only seen pictures of the two of us,' Daniel grinned, pushing her closer to his body. 
'Maybe,' Dani mumbled as she looked up from under her eyelid. 'But I think you're right. We should,' She showed him her brightest smile as she liked the idea of putting new pictures in the already packed box. Dani concentrated on Daniel's face. She suddenly felt the urge to cuddle her face against Daniel's neck and while she was debating with herself if she was going to do so, Daniel took out his phone and made a picture of the two of them. Daniel had a bright smile on his face while looking into the camera while Dani was still focused on Daniel's face. It wasn't until Daniel actually made the picture and the familiar ticking noise came out of the speaker of the phone that she looked up to Daniel's phone. He still was holding it up and kept on taking more and more pictures. 
'Daniel!' Dani giggled as she hides her face in Daniel's neck, just like she secretly wanted to do anyway. 
'What? We have a lot of catching up to do!' he laughed as he kept on taking pictures of the two of them. He even pressed his lips against the side of Dani's head and made a picture of it. Dani, on the other hand, seemed to can't help herself but blush. 
'I got wet hair,' Dani mumbled against his neck. 
'I love your wet hair.' he commented back as he put his phone away. He put the pictures that were still on his chest in the box that was still in Dani's hand. He took it out of Dani's hand and put it on the other side of the bed to keep it from falling. His arm that was holding his phone before curled around Dani's body as he was now cuddling her close to his body. They knew they were being very clingy to each other, but the couple didn't care. They had to catch up with a lot of time in only just a few weeks before they were going their separate ways again. 
'However I do wish you would've let me shower with you,' Daniel mumbled as he rested his chin on top of Dani's head. He had a cheeky grin on his face, which Dani couldn't see but could hear in his voice. She gives him a fast slap against his chest before her arms curled around him.
'Not when my mom is home,' Dani softly said as she looked up, trying to find her boyfriends face, but instead, she could only stare at his neck. 
'Ooh!' Daniel let out surprised by the way she said that sentence. 'So if we were alone..' he didn't finish his sentence, hoping that Dani would finish it for him. 
'I might've invited you, or I might've not. I guess we'll never know,' Dani decided to answer playfully making Daniel answer with him rolling his body back so that his back was against the mattress and Dani on top of him. Dani pressed her lips together as her cheeks started to burn up while she met his eyes. She started to realise that Daniel was good at doing these unexpected movements like this and it made her heart beat twice as hard. 
'Or I could find out now,' he finally responded as he cupped her face in his hands and softly kissed her lips. Dani felt an explosion happening in her stomach, a feeling she can't get enough from. Daniel's lips slowly disappeared from on top of hers, but soon enough his lips made it's way from the corner of her mouth to her forehead. He kissed her between her eyes right where her nose started and as she closed her eyes she felt his lips softly on her eyelid. She felt herself wanting his lips on top of hers again and as she curled her arms around his neck, she leads his lips again to her lips. Letting them stay there as long as possible. 

Picture Perfect | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now