four [morning]

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I had just made sure all the freshly showered guys had something resembling a blanket, as I walked into my bedroom.
When I wanted to finally get into bed I heard my door squeak. I looked up to see three heads poking through the crack in my door. The heads quickly disappeared when I looked.
I sighed "Steven, Izzy, Duff what are you guys doing?"
The door opened and revealed that actually all five of them were standing in front of my door.
I sighed again, god, it was like I had let five big toddlers into my home.
"We were just looking around the house..." Duff mumbled.
"Just go to fucking sleep guys" I rolled my eyes, not able to hide a small laugh while looking at their guilty faces.

The guys stumbled through the hallway to their assigned couches and after some time they quieted down.
At last I got into my bed and fell promptly asleep.

The next morning I woke up. I yawned and stretched and then got up to walk to the bathroom. Soft snoring could be heard from both the living- and the studyroom.
I opened the bathroom door to find Slash standing in just his boxers as he flushed the toilet. His hair was even more out of control than last night.
I was startled and quickly looked away. Slash walked past me, back to the studyroom with a smirk plastered on his face. "Morning" he whispered in a raspy morning voice.

I bit my lip and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

After I had showered and gotten dressed in my bedroom I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I was cooking myself an egg when I realized 'the strays' would probably be hungry as well.
I thought 'fuck it' and cracked a dozen eggs in the frying pan.

I got out some plates and bread and peeked my head in the livingroom to see if the boys were waking up.
Izzy was hanging half off the couch, his legs spread over Duff's chest as Duff's head rested on Steven's shoulder.
I silently laughed at their bizarre and sorta intimate sleeping positions.

When the eggs were done I grabbed the pan. Apparently I didn't grip it well enough, because the pan slipped and came back down on the furnace with a loud clash.
I heard the guys in the livingroom moan and stir. The sound had woken them up.

"Uhg, what time is it?"
"Ew, Duff get your head off me, man"
"I would but fuckin' Izzy's on me"
"Hey Izzy, wake up!"
Their words were followed by a clapping sound.
"Ouch! Who fucking hit me?"
"Get off me Izzy you fa-"
"Hey what smells so good?"

Very soon the three guys crowded around me "oh my fuckin' god, she made eggs".
I slapped Duff's hand away and chuckled "you have to wait for the others".

I walked to the studyroom and opened the curtains which earned me a grunt from Axl and a sigh from the, now again sleeping, Slash.
"Rise 'n shine" I said. Axl threw a pillow at me. "Hey! I think you'd wanna be a little nicer to the person who made you breakfast" I said, falsely indignant.
Axl sat up in bed "breakfast?"
"Yeah" I laughed, leaning on the doorpost. Axl nodded in content and gave me a sly smile "sounds good" he muttered as he quickly pulled his clothes on.
Axl walked out the room, I heard him yell "hey! Did you fuckers start without me?!".

I laughed and shook my head. Then I turned to Slash who was rubbing his eyes. "You made breakfast?" he said, trying to shake his wild curls out of his face and failing miserably. "Hmhm" I nodded. Slash sighed "you didn't have to do that...".
I turned to the door as Slash slowly got out of bed and pulled on some pants.
"Whatever" I shrugged "I had some extra eggs y'know".
The, now clothed, Slash walked to the door and put his hand on my shoulder.
He looked at me.
This was the first time I got a real look at his face.
He had tanned, flawless skin, a brought nose, full pouty lips and deep, warm brown eyes which were looking right into mine.
"You really didn't have to do that. We're happy enough you let us in. Right after breakfast we'll be out of your hair".
I fluttered my eyelashes mindlessly and slowly nodded. Then I stepped back, letting Slash's arm fall to his side "it's fine Slash. Now, c'mon, let's eat".

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