thirtythree [missed it]

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I was walking behind the guys and heard Izzy and Steven talk.

"The whole fuckin night is ruined! I didn't even get Maria's number."
"Would you shut up about the girl? Look at the time, we completely missed our gig".

We did miss the gig. I pulled my hood over my head en thought about how bummed out I was about not seeing them perform.
But then I shook my head. No fuck them and their performance.
Immediately I felt bad. It was only Slash that I was pissed at! And I was being a bitch to all five of them. The worst part was that I technically didn't have a reason to be angry at Slash, we... aren't... together.
The image of his lips pressed against that girl flashed through my mind.
It stung.

I saw Duff glance over his shoulder at me. He looked hurt.
I bit my lip. Okay things between me and Slash were kinda fucked up at the moment, but I could at least try to make amends with the others. Starting with Duffy.

I sped up my pace and lifted Duff's arm up to put it around my shoulder. He looked surprised but than gave me a warm smile. He wasn't one to hold grudges, I loved that about him.

A groan coming from the half passed out Slash ruined the wholesome moment. I immediately rolled my eyes and Izzy saw. He looked at Slash and then raised his eyebrows at me, asking without words: what's going on between you two?
I looked away. Sorry Izz, it's not like I had an answer.

We heard voices in the distance "No way! that's Guns n Roses right?" two men were staring at our group with bulging and very drunk eyes.
Axl, whom always seemed like the spokesperson of the band, yelled back "yes, we are. But we're kinda busy right now, man".
"Kinda busy?" the taller one of the two drunks said, while walking towards us, "you should've been busy like an hour ago, we PAID to watch you guys play y'know". Duff interrupted Axl who already looked pissed off "we're sorry about that but we had to take care of our friend" Duff nodded towards Slash. Slash was being held up by Izzy and had his eyes closed.
The shorter guy now also joined the conversation "At least give us the 18 bucks back then. If you fucks were too busy getting shitfaced". Axl got in his face "you think you can just-" but Steven grabbed his arm "Hey Axl, come on man".
The next few things happened very fast.

Axl pulled his arm from Steven's grip, and by doing so, backhanded the shorter guy right in his face. You could tell it was accidental.  Without thinking I jumped in between the men to try and stop things from escalating but the fight had already broke out and somebody's fist landed hard on my jaw. I fell to the floor and when my skull hit the pavement as well, everything went dark.

Eyo. So sorry for neglecting this story. I am picking it up again. To get into the flow of the story I could use some inspiration. How do you guys think the storyline should play out?
Love ya. Enjoy.

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