Chapter 3- Evil eye

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When Star and Marco got home, they hurried to Star's room. While Star herself didnt know of a spell that could heal, she had with her the Book of Spells, the book contained the knowledge of the past queens of Mewni, one of them must have a spell that could heal the eyes of someone who had gone blind. Or at least, this is what Star was thinking. Marco allowed himself to be hopeful as well, he had seem what Star could do, if she was saying it could be done, she was probably right.

Star picked up the large book of spells and quickly turned the pages, at this moment, Marco heard a strange sound, something like a voice, it seemed to come from the book. "Did you hear that?" He asked.

"What?" Star hadn't really heard anything, maybe because she was focused on looking for the right spell on the book. Marco replied simply with "Never mind" and then she kept skim-reading until she finally found what she was looking for.

"Here it is. 'Give sight to where once there was not' or something along those lines, it is in an ancient language." There were some weird signs on the explanation, but she didnt think much of it, other spells in this chapter had them too and there didnt seem to be anything wrong with the spell itself.

"What are we waiting for then?" Marco was eager to try the spell out.

"Wait, let me practice it first, I don't want to cast something weird." She opened her closet, which seemed to be dark and full of stuff and pulled a couple dolls from it, one looked like a princess and the other a poney, she then whispered the spell and fired at the dolls, then a small red eye appeared on each of them, it was a little unsettling but...

"I guess we could try it now" She says, while Marco looks over the dolls.

"Why is only a single eye?" Marco asked while staring at the doll's new eyes, only to be creeped out by seeing organic looking eyes on dolls.

"I think I will have to cast it twice, there shouldn't be a problem right?" Star said and Marco only nodded, they really wanted to try this, for their own reasons.

They ran downstairs to talk to Marco's mother, they were certainly noisy, Angie Diaz turned her head to face them.

"Hey mom, Star can fix your eyes with her magic." Marco explained in a hurried tone, he was too excited about this for his own good.

"Calm down Marco, Star might be magical, but we can't expect her to fix all our problems." The idea of a "magical cure" didnt appeal much to her either, but she didnt want to say it because it had been a while since she had heard her son be excited about something.

"Come on, just this once, I promise if it doesnt work out I won't ask again." Marco was pleading in a way that suited a child, it was unlike him, but he didnt care at the moment. His mother sighed.

"Alright Marco, bu, but don't get your hopes up too much." Ms.Diaz finally conceded in letting Star cast her spell. Star pointed her wand at her and chanted

"Releaseo Demonius Invadia!" As she spoke the ominous words a beam of magic was fire of her wand and a bright light enveloped Ms.Diaz, when it was gone she opened her eye and... She could see! It was only one eye, but she could actually see! But something was off, not only she could feel it, but Marco seemed to be afraid.

"What is this Star? This isn't right!" Marco asked looking upset, while Star still carried a blank look on her face despite what had happened. The spell hadn't restore the vision, but instead it gave an entirely new vision, a large eye had appeared in Ms. Diaz forehead. She was looking like a freak.

Ms. Diaz confirmed her appearance in a mirror, it was understandable that his son was upset, however... "The important thing is that I can see you and your father again, even if it wasn't what you expected it is still a miracle isn't it?" She certainly could look at things positevely, she was always like that.

A tear began to fall from Marco's eyes, but he quickly covered it up by hugging his mother, she hugged back. Star watched from a distance, with a blank expression on her face, she was content that she had helped, but at the same time, she couldn't help being jealous as she didnt have this kind of relationship with her mother. Not anymore.

She decided to leave them alone and go back to her room, she was hoping that now that she had helped someone in a similar situation to her, maybe she would be able to break to do it. She grabbed the wand and pointed to herself.

"Stone to blood, ice to mud. Awaken the soul,break free from control." As she spoke those words the wand shone, but nothing happened, she didnt show it, but she was pretty disappointed.

"Still no good? It looks like I will never break the curse." She muttered regretting ever placing the curse on herself, she was thinking on the painful times of St.Olga that had forced her to do it when she noticed something move towards her.

She turned to the side and fired a blast of magic, thinking one of the monsers had found a way in her room, but what was hit was the poney dool which she had used to cast the spell earlier, the eye from before looked directly at her and a hole started to open on it, only when it spoke she would realized it was a mouth.

"You will never be free again, not without help, my help."

"You can talk?" Star was shocked, but her tone was still dry. she was starting to realize, that there was something wrong with this spell.

"Let me help you, I will show you the truth." The eye the detached itself from the doll and launched itself towards Star, but she was ready for it.

"No. " She fired a beam of magic towards the eye...And just like that, it was gone. She then looked around for the other doll she had trained the spell on but it had disappeared.

"Oh no, Marco..." If the eyes on the dolls were acting weird, then who knows what the one on Marco's mother was doing? .Meanwhile Marco was in another hug, this time with the whole family. While he was doing an ok job of hiding his tears, his father was just crying non-stop.

"Where is Star we should thank her." Mr. Diaz said between tears and sniffles.

"Huh, where IS Star?" Marco had finally realized Star had left as soon as she cast spell. And looked around to see if she was nearby, while he was turned back he felt a sting in his shoulder.

"W-what?" The dream was soon turning into a nightmare, he saw his mother, the eye in her forehead had not only grown larger, but it now had teeth, bloody teeth that had just bitten him. He became very afraid."Dad, we need to..." He turned over to his father for help, but he couldn't do anything, he was being attacked by the princess doll that Star had used to practice the spell earlier, or more precisely, by the eye that had grown larger and was jumping on Mr.Diaz head. "No!" Marco ran to his father and punched the doll away, however the eye was no longer on the doll, but instead was attached to his father.

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