Evil Eye-Part 2

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"I am feeling dizzy, I should sit down." Ms. Diaz put her hand on her head, she was trying to keep her bearing, but the evil eye was having none of that:

"No, no you don't need to sit down, you should hold tight into your son...So we can feast on his innards.""Yes, feast on his bowels..." She started speaking with a balnk expression on her face. " Wait...No, what am i saying?" She was straining to resist the influence of the eye.

"Marco you look awfully tasty today, give your daddy a hug." Mr. Diaz's mind also seemed to be captured by the eye that had invaded his head. Soon enough they were both walking towards Marco like zombies.

"Marco." Star finally showed up, wand in hand.

"Star! What have you done? This spell is evil!" Marco was understandably quite upset, he couldn't look away from the horror that was the eye turning his parents into "zombies" and it seemed to be growing.

"I will handle this." Star pointed the wand at them and it began to flash but just when she fired it Marco jumped on her arm, making the magic beam hit the ceiling instead.

"What are you doing Marco?"

"You can't just hit them with your magic, they are still my parents. Let ME do it, you just have to wait." Having said so he just rushed towards them, the eye-controlled parents tried to grab him , but he simply dodged their hands and stood there, next to them as if taunting them, this repeated multiple times, he would either weave to the sides or step back just as the hands were about to touch him.

"Just stop dodging and let me get you!" The evil eye on his father finally screamed in frustration.

"You will never catch me, I am stronger, younger and faster than those old bodies, you might as well give up." Marco said giving a provocative smile.

The evil eyes looked at each other, then back at Marco, then they smiled maliciously...The eyes, not Marco's zombified parents, those still had blank look on their faces.

"I suppose you are right, human." The eyes then began to detach from the foreheads, they formed limbs that looked like roots and then...

"Now Star!" Marco shouted just as the eyes were launching themselves towards him, Star didn't miss the timing either, blasting the eyes with her magic and vaporizing them.

"We did it..." Marco said, sighing with relief, then he went on to help his parents who were on their knees, disorientated after having their minds dominated by an evil spell. Star approached intending to help them as well, but she was stopped by Marco's voice:

"Haven't you done enough? Get your foul magic away from them!"

Star wanted to cry, but she simply couldn't, she had thought before that Marco was huge jerk, but that wasn't the problem here, the problem is: He was right, it was her fault, she had suggested using a spell, looked for it and casted it. And it wasn't the first time she had cast a spell that seemed more like a curse than anything.

"I understand." She replied simply and left for her room, unable to convey what she was truly feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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