Chapter 4

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"Know who I am now?"

I shook my head in disbelief. How could I not have recognised him?!?

"So your a drummer then?" I asked, mimicking him.

"Obviously," he said, smirking. "Margo, do you wanna go get something to eat?" He asked, he's eyes meeting mine. God he was confident.

"Sure. I'm starving." I texted Chase & told him I'd be at the after party later.


Ashton & I walked into a little kebab shop near the venue we played at. We ordered our food and sat in a little red booth under the fluorescent white lights. I bought my knees up to my chest, feet on the chair and wrapped my arms around my legs. I rested my head on my knees.

"You were amazing tonight, by the way." Ashton grinned, his dimples showing.

"Thanks." Compliments usually didn't mean much to me, but the one Ashton delivered made me feel proud of myself.

The chef came to our table and gave us our food. "Woah," Ashton said as my massive plate of food arrived in front of me. A kebab wrap, large fries, a chocolate milkshake, a coke & a banana split icecream. I smirked at him.

"I also had a Big Mac before the show," I chuckled before digging in.

"You must have to play the drums a lot to burn off all the food you eat," Ashton smiled before taking a a bite of his burger.

"You know it," I answered.

After we finished and payed for our food, (Ashton tried to pay for mine, but I didn't let him, as I believe that it's kinda sexist to expect guys to always pay for the meal, plus, it wasn't even a date...) we walked along the footpath, past clubs and restaurants and drunk people vomiting which was very romantic. After a while Ashton reached out and held my hand, commenting on how beautiful the stars looked tonight. I agreed. We swung our hands up in the air between us as we walked. Eventually, we reached a park. We both sat down on the swings. It was quiet for a while. I was thinking about how crazy it was that a 'famous' person was sitting next to me, not that I really cared. I wasn't one to fangirl over people. I pulled out my phone and put it on the camera.

"Selfie?" I asked him, kind of embarrassed.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said before a cheesy grin shot across his face.

I toke the picture, the flash blinding both of us. We looked at the picture and I smiled. My lilac hair was messily spread out under my beanie. I has stuck my tongue between my smiling teeth. My eyes were squinted shut. Ashton looked pretty cute. His hair was a controlled mess behind his bandana, his cheesy grin wider than ever. His eyes were also closed shut, because of the flash.

"Mind if I post this?" I asked casually.

"Sure, I love that photo. You look cute." I blushed.

"Yeah, I know right, like a dog."

Ashton just shook his head. I posted the photo on my Instagram, tagged him and turned off my phone.

"Hey ash?" He smiled at the use of his nickname. "Yes Margs?"

"Do you wanna go to a party?"



Sorry I haven't updated in forever. Also this chapter is kinda short & it sucks, sorry :(

It was also kinda a filler, but hey, sometimes you need them. But yayyyy ash and Margo are talking which is like FINALLY

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