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Hello and welcome to Apart! I will be basing this book mostly on the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling, though there will be some minor movie influences. For example, not every character will have the exact face that they do in the movies because I went off of the book's description. One movie influence will be that Durmstrang will be an all boys school and Beauxbatons will be an all girls school. I am fully aware that this is not the case in the book, but I wrote it in to make the stories of one of the other OCs in this book make more sense. I am so excited to write this book as these ideas that you will see here have been kicking around my head for over half a decade. That being said, I invite you to join me on the journey of Ursa Malfoy.

Enjoy your stay! <3 

Author's Note: There's been some editing and some of the OCs you may remember from the cast have been placed in their own universes. Thanks for understanding!

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