Prairies & Mountains

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When I asked in my dreams what was the meaning of life, someone once told me it was being happy, and as time passed I realized they were right all along, for my case, that is.

Looking down to the woodland gave me a sense of wonder. I had been on this planet for approximately three terran years and I hadn't explored even a quarter of it yet. Up until now there was no presence of predators.

The soft, golden light of the morning star engulfed my body and I closed my eyes just for a moment and breathed deeply. A sweet, fresh scent came to me from within the forest. I was yet to find the culprit of such a marvelous thing.

Glancing back at the top of the mountain I had climbed just hours ago, I decided it was time to move.

Big rocks and lilac flowers adorned the path that I trekked on. The southern wind suddenly became cold, catching me off ward. The delicious smell was carried away, and instead was replaced with petrichor*. I turned my head to the direction the breeze came from, and took notice of the cluster of nimbostratus* looming ominously over the horizon.

With the rapidly approaching rainstorm in mind, I leapt down the hill, I did so carefully as to not to hurt myself. The black soil dirtied me and the sharp rocks cut me- not my brightest idea, but it was the fastest way down. It was a harsh quest but it was finally over when I hit a tree with my body.

The pain in my left side made me grunt; I waited patiently until it subsided. I got up using the tree as support, some of my bones popped. I felt sore, nevertheless I was just fine, so I took off running again.

Never in my whole life I had to use my legs so much, but seeing as this planet was one of the biggest in sector A-471h (furthermore, the only available for exploration), it was somewhat obvious that I was going to hike a lot.

The best thing out of all of this was that I had gotten the chance to explore 92 Haos b, or as I have named it *Beneluly because the entire planet is full of tall trees, lakes, and mountains (there are deserts too, but are a speck in comparison).

As I sprinted through a path well known to me, some of the flowers retracted on themselves. The now cold air traveled within the woods, shaking the branches of the trees above me. The storm arrived. I had to run faster if I wanted to save my ass.

The sound of something hard hitting the ground as I ran gave enough information of what was happening some meters behind me. Hail was actually rather common, but the seven centimeter icy rocks were not good news for anyone.

The branches of the trees moved violently, and the wind picked up its pace. To my left, a big chunk of ice collided with some pretty flowers, scaring the living stars out of me.

It was a long way until I reached the base HbRC1 (Haos b Research Center 1). I had to find a place to stay.

Turning a sharp left between some large stones, my hands helped me to move through them.

My figure passed by the weird pond in front of my old bunker, and I crashed into the dirt and slipped slightly causing the pink leaves to fly everywhere revealing the trapdoor to my salvation.

Several pieces fell from the sky, and when I opened the refuge one in particular fulfilled its job.

A hot sharp sensation spread from my calf, upwards. "Pain. that's pain," was a recurring thought as whimpers left my mouth. I tried to use the stairs after closing the metal door quickly, but the melted hail made me slip. Another groan left my bruised body. And I decided to just, lay there.

This beautiful day had turned around and showed again that nature was a force to be reckoned with.


In aparition order:

*Petrichor: the smell of earth after rain.

*Nimbostratus: Very low, dense, and dark gray cloud, which appears as a layer and usually produces precipitation or snow.

*Beneluly: Prefix -be (all over, all around) + From latin -nemus (forest) + From latin -lucus (grove) + Suffix -ly (characterteristic of). In short, a planet characteristic for having a great portion of its surface covered by forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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