16. Who Says a Zombie Can't Rap?!

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My eyes fluttered open and my heart pounded like a bass drum as I was startled awake from a deep sleep.

The fog began to clear in my brain, and I realized my watch had just beeped 9:00 p.m. But for some reason it seemed a lot later than that.

My bedroom was a lot darker than usual too. Did I need a new bulb in my night-light?

My throat felt raw and my legs were cramping. Actually, my ENTIRE body ached.

And I'd just had the CRAZIEST dream!!

About . . . THUG THURSTON?!!

I leaned over to turn on the lamp sitting on my nightstand and . . .


I hit my head against cold, hard metal.

OW!! That HURT! It felt like someone had rung a bell inside my brain.

"WHERE the heck am I?" I wondered.

I reached into the darkness and felt my coat, my backpack, my journal, and . . .


Suddenly all the memories came flooding back to me.

After school. Thug. Locker. Darkness. Janitor. Mop. More darkness . . .


"NOOOOO!!!" I moaned. "Please let this be just a NIGHTMARE!"

But it WASN'T a bad dream. It was my REALITY. I was STILL trapped inside my locker and waiting to be rescued!!

UNLESS . . .

I closed my eyes and considered a horribly morbid thought.

Could I possibly . . . already be . . . DEAD?!

Sure, I felt a little achy, but I didn't feel . . . dead.

Although, I couldn't be sure, since I'd never been, you know, dead before.

I shifted into a more comfortable position and then wiggled my toes to help relieve the intense cramping in my legs.

Actually, muscle cramps were a very bad sign. I'd read somewhere that a corpse could have a weird, intense muscle spasm and suddenly sit straight up.

YIKES!! Like, how FREAKY would THAT be at your great-grandaunt's funeral?! But HOW could I be dead when I still felt so . . . ALIVE?!

UNLESS . . .

I had an even MORE horribly morbid thought as chills ran down my spine.

What if I had already DIED inside my locker and come back as a . . .


NOOOOOO!! (I was NOT happy about this!)

Well, one thing was for sure. Being UNDEAD was definitely NOT going to help my nonexistent social life or improve my really CRUDDY rep. . . .

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Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now