13. HELP!! I think I'm gonna throw up!

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(Wow! Author Chan finally got back on her butt and started WRITING!? This is unbelievable!! Welp, yeah. Sorry I've been a bad author and keeping you guys on cliffhangers.. ^^; But I hope you enjoy the chapter anyways!)



I couldn't believe I was on lockdown for the SECOND time today!

I felt embarrassed and humiliated. But, more than anything, I was FURIOUS. Let's be real, people. Wouldn't YOU be ticked off if you were forced to spend a three-day weekend stuck at SCHOOL?!! Let alone INSIDE your locker?!

I didn't have a choice but to peek through those tiny vents in my locker and anxiously wait for someone to walk by.

I convinced myself that if I was REALLY, REALLY patient, at some point a random person would wander down the hall and rescue me.

But, unfortunately, no random wanderer passed by.

Then I told myself that even though it was a three-day weekend and mostly EVERYONE was already gone, there was STILL a SLIGHT chance SOMEONE had hung around after school. And THAT person would rescue me.

But sadly, no after-school hang-arounder appeared.

That's when I gathered every ounce of courage and bravely confronted my very difficult situation. . . .

My nervous bladder was acting up again, and if I didn't get out of that DANG locker soon, I was going to PEE my pants!

My life was completely over, and I was going to DIE a lonely, painful, and senseless DEATH!

TRAPPED within the four metal walls of my locker. Like a disgusting, stinky . . . human-sized, um . . .

SARDINE in a . . . CAN!!

But do you wanna know what's even MORE disgusting?!

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But do you wanna know what's even MORE disgusting?!

My grandma loves to mash up sardines with Cheez Whiz and ketchup and eat them on crackers.

BLURP! That was me throwing up inside my mouth.

After what seemed like FOREVER, my watch beeped at six p.m., and I realized I'd been stuck in my locker for almost TWO. Whole. Hours.

I was starting to feel . . . HOPELESS!

That's when I had yet ANOTHER panic attack and used my inhaler for the second time today.

Needless to say, after THAT little episode I was anxious, exhausted, and dripping with sweat.

I also felt really dizzy and queasy.

But don't get it twisted!

A combination of extreme stress, exhaustion, heat, and dehydration is enough to make even a superhero feel SICK!

HOW do I know this?

Because the same thing happened in THE INCREDIBLE HAWK (my very own comic book series that I write in my spare time).

Although he's a humble part-time forest ranger, race car driver, and rock star, he has an amazing superpower, to turn into an indestructible screeching hawk just by screaming, "BAH-KAAW!! BAH-KAAW!! BAH-KAAAAAAW!"

And get this!

In Volume 3 the Incredible Hawk actually puked up two lizards, three squirrels, and eleven mice while doing battle with his archnemesis, Thug the VENOMOUS VULTURE, in the Sahara Desert in 117-degree heat (which, I'm guessing, is probably the temperature inside my locker)!! . . .

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Hey, that scene was SICK in more ways than one

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Hey, that scene was SICK in more ways than one.

There's no doubt the Incredible Hawk would make a KICK-BUTT superhero movie!! Right?!

Anyway, I was about to give up hope and VOMIT when I thought I heard a very faint sound. . . .


I desperately peeked through the tiny vents in my locker and completely FREAKED!

I could NOT believe what I saw!

I could NOT believe what I THOUGHT I saw!

If you've ever been trapped in a place where you can barely SEE anything or HEAR anything, after a while your brain starts weirding out. Then your imagination takes over and you think, see, and hear some pretty WACKY STUFF.


It's called SENSORY DEPRIVATION, my friends, and let me tell you . . . it is NOT fun.

I was ALSO a little worried about my brain cells dying off from some obscure and very deadly disease like . . . um . . .


Hey, don't laugh. It could happen.


Anyway, there was a VERY good chance my mind was playing tricks on me and everything I'd just seen and heard in the hallway was merely a HALLUCINATION.

A very CRUEL and TWISTED one.

Ok guys, thank's for reading!! Tell me in the comments on how the story is!

(Btw plz check out my other stories!!)

Remember to vote, tell your friend's about this story, and to have a good morning/afternoon/night!!

754 words

Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now