Bloopers (Part 1?)

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Hello- I've been thinking of doing this for a while and wanted to make y'all laugh, so have this lmao

-Max walks downstairs while writing in his journal, comic book under his arm- then he ever so graciously trips on the stairs.

"Ow! Dang it-"

The camera crew and (Y/n) cut the tape and are all laughing behind the camera.


-Max started waving his hands vigorously trying to get someone to notice him to stop the bus, and someone did notice him-

Some passerby's are giving Max a face of "wtf are you doing?" And Max waves awkwardly to other people. Hilarity ensues lol

The director yelled cut and the cameras cut out.


"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture- I'm sorry but these are so stupid- Can I say different lines??" Doug literally couldn't stop laughing while filming this one part-

And then they had to do it like 100 more times before they got the final take.


"When we last left our hero, he was trapped inside the deep, dark bowels of his locker... line??"


"I simply place my claw-like toes in my older sister Megan's bowl of popcorn"

Then every time they mess up the scene. they have to clean all of it, it's truly a pain in the butt-

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"So I didn't have a choice but to tell (Y/n) the truth some very BAD NEWS!"

"You know, THAT news. . . ."

"Why I couldn't stay after school to help with the play because-"

"ACHOO-" *Sniffle* "Sorry! Again.." (Y/n) had a cold that day... she literally had to stay away from the set for a week-

And to this day, they say Max never go to finish his line... DUN DUN DUNNNN-

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A whisper was heard frequently one day on set..
"Free shavaca-do."
And no one knows who tf said that randomly while filming, it's a running gag now on set lol!

Now someone will just randomly whisper it, and everyone can't stop laughing, the directors HATE it lmao-

"It was me- don't tell the directors Adam and Barbara-" (Y/n) whispered to the fourth wall reading this- muahahahaha!

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That's all I've got so far lmao, I'll make a part 2 if y'all want it 💀👍

Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now