This is the form for your character! Anything marked with (**) is optional. For the description portion of the form, please write it as (Name: Bramble), not (Bramble). However, for the personality portion, you only have to write (Extroverted) and move on to the next trait options. If I missed anything, just add it into the extra/other slot thing spot area
Description :
Name :
Gender :
Age :
Sexuality :
Previous Clan :
Rank : (group; individual rank "Silverhawk; Councilor")
Appearance :
Size/Build :
Fur Length :
Markings :
Primary Color :
Secondary Color :
Tertiary Color : **
Eye Color :
Personality :
Extroverted/Introverted : (do they outwardly express their emotions or keep them bottled up?)
Empathetic/Apathetic : (do they care about others or do they just not care at all?)
Intelligent/Foolish : (smart or less intelligent?)
Optimistic/Pessimistic : (do they think positively or negatively?)
Hyper/Lazy : (are they full of energy or do they only do what they need to?)
Stressed/Calm : (can they think well under pressure? if so- calm. if not- stressed.)
Confident/Insecure : (do they believe they can do it, or do they think they aren't enough?)
Courageous/Cowardly : (will they stand up and fight or will they run away from danger?)
Undisciplined/Disciplined : (are they without control, or do they have good self-control? could also be seen as immature/mature.)
Efficient/Sloppy : (do they get the job done well, or do they only do what was necessary?)
Selfless/Selfish : (do they only think of themselves in their decisions or everyone?)
Focused/Aloof : (do they pay attention or wander in their minds? could also be seen as observant/aloof.)
Friendly/Hateful : (do they give off a friendly vibe or do they seem to hate everyone and everything?)
Gentle/Harsh : (are they sweet and kind or do they just say it how it is?)
Honest/Lying : (do they tell the truth more often than not, or lie more?)
Leader/Follower : (do they take control in bad situations or wait for instructions?)
Facts vs Feelings : (when faced with a decision, do they use rationality and facts or their feelings and emotions?)
Scatterbrained/Organized : (do they get confused easily or is everything straight and neat in their mind?)
Impatient/Patient : (do they want something right now or are they willing to wait for it? could also be seen as intolerant/tolerant.)
Are they protective? : (are they not very protective at all, protective, or over-protective? mostly applies to loved ones, but can apply to all.)
Reliable/Irresponsible : (can you trust them to get it done, or will they procrastinate etc?)
Are they funny and/or sarcastic? : (will they crack some jokes?)
OTHERS/EXTRAS : (is there anything else I need to know about this character?)-
Phew! That took... forever. Anyway, happy form-filling! Please tag others if you are up to it! Below is the list of the ranks that are still open!
× King: (1/1)
× Heirs: (2/2)
× Councilor: (3/3)
+ Guards: (3/4)
+ Scouts: (2/3)
× Medics: (3/3)
- Competitors: (0/6)
+ Fighters: (2/8)
+ Hunters: (3/8)
- Workers: (0/3)
- Healers: (0/3)
× Queens: (1/1)
- Kits: (0/*)
+ Apprentices: (1/2)
+ Sacrifices: (1/3)
× Caveghosts: (4/4)* - kits will be imputed with more forms. Basically the waitlist
Trials Of The Ivy Queen; Warriors EYOC
FanfictionIvy is the most ruthless, savage, brutal leader the four Clans have ever seen. Born in CreekClan and left for dead, she built up her revengeful monarchy step by step. When Ivy was young, she got fatally wounded saving some clanmates from a fox, and...