Chapter 11: From Scratch||

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Astrid's view

I woke up early and met up with Charlie in the hall.

"Hey captain". I kissed his cheek.

"Hi my lady". He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"New nickname". I questioned him.

"Yes. And there's more " I just smiled.

"Oh really". He just hummed." We really should get going before coach thinks someone kidnapped us". We broke the hug and started walking.We got there and I recognized a Old man I met when I was younger. My dad told me that was Grandpas Roy's Bestfriend. Then it clicked. It was Jan. But I also met Hans too since that was Grandpa's Roy's other bestfriend.

I just wondered where he is. Hope I can see him soon.

"Astrid. Astrid Santos is that you. Oh my I haven't seen you In Ages". He came and hugged me. I hugged back.
"How have you been". He asked me.

"I've been well and you? I haven't seen you since I was 8". It was true. I haven't seen Jan and Hans since I was 2. I'm now 13 years old and I haven't seen them.

"Just hanging in the shop. Hans went to visit his sick mother so I filled in for him. You play with Bombay." I looked over at him and he smiled.

"Yup. Remember how my Jersey number was 69. It's now 93." I forgot to say I did get my Jersey number changed. Its 3 numbers away from Charlie and 6 from Banks. Its weird but I got used to it.

"I'm happy for you". I just smiled widely.

"Guys". Charlie took our attention and nodded towards Bombay. He was waiting for us.

"We got alot of work to do. We gotta study our opponents and study ourselves". Coach has turned on the TV in front of us and played our video of when we were playing against Iceland. He sat down next to us.

We then started to discuss how Defense wasnt really playing their part. Or how our goalie wasnt blocking enough shots to make us win or at least stop them from scoring. Or how Iceland was using big guys in defense so that made our defense look alot weaker. We also discussed how some of us weren't really keeping our balance. Or how Our confidence was boosted down when we saw how big and buff those guys were.

We came to a conclusion. We need to start from the beginning. We need to learn from scratch again. I need to teach dean to not have a big ego which can sometimes affect how he plays and that was up to me. I needed to control my anger issues and temper. Jesse needed to work on not letting people get to him which can cause him not doing or achieving his best potential. We had to teach Luis to stop. That was gonna talk alot of teaching cause that kid is crazy.

"We got to learn from our mistakes. We all have special skills and we have to find them". Coach continued explaining.

Throughout the tapes or videos we discussed alot. I even pointed out things no body has noticed.

"Coach do you see that". I said to to coach gesturing to the TV.

"See what?".

"Whenever Stansson sees one of our players doing really good, he always sends 2 buffy guys to attack them. Look. That happened to guy, Charlie, adam and even me. Or whenever they see that goldberg is really tired they like to trick him. They even trip connie knowing she is a girl. I get that she is part of the game but they always get the biggest guys to put her down."

"And they make sure Fulton and dean are'nt around. So they can attack us to their advantage. We need them on the ice. At least 1 on ice each time. Good eye Astrid". Coach continued for me and patted me on the back.

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