PI: Chapter Three

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A/N: Ack, I really need to update more often!! Another lame chapter, but it's kind of long! Surprise! XD

Dedicated to the wonderful stargirl0120 for the amazing support!! <3


"I'm just going outside, okay? Sophie's coming over, and I want to meet her there," I hear my brother say.

I look up at the name. Sophie.

"I don't know, Fitz...I really don't want you to have problems..." Our mother glances at Fitz' chest.

"The echoes are gone, Mom--"

"Biana, how about you go?" Mom turns to me pleadingly. My heart stumbles. You want me to meet Sophie at the door?

"Sure," I blurt, trying not to seem as nervous as I felt. Calm down, Bi. You're just saying hi to your best friend. Calm. Down!

Still, I can't help but glance down at my outfit. A simple, long-sleeved tunic with light embroidery paired with dark pants. (Help, I don't know fashion :| )

"Hello? Biana? Are you going or--"

"I am!" I shout, running to the door. Woltzer follows me painstakingly as I blink in and out of sight. Sophie stands beside the gate, her bodyguard team flanking her. My breath catches at the sight of her; she's wearing a plain white tunic with lacy sleeves and her hair is unbound. She looks...

I have no words to describe her.

Sophie doesn't seem to spot me until I'm right in front of her. I realize that I'm invisible and I blink back into sight. Sophie startles, stepping backwards and bringing her arms up to protect herself.

"Ah! Biana! You scared me," she mumbles, dropping her arms. Her eyes stay trained on the ground, like she doesn't want to look at me. My heart drops.

"Soph? You okay?" Without thinking, I reach out and cradle her head in my hand. A shock spreads through my hand as I tilt her chin up.

Her eyes are rimmed with red. Sophie what's wrong Sophie are you okay Sophie I love you--

I jerk my hand away. Did I seriously just do that?

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking," I stammer, but Sophie just drops her head down again. I can feel my heartbeat, hear it, pulsing in my ears.

"Sophie, what's wrong?" I swallow, staring at the girl in front of me. "Sophie?"

"Let's go inside," she answers finally, and it is definitely not the answer I wanted. My heart drops and I nod, automatically reaching for her arm.

I'm about to jump away, but Sophie loops her arm around mine, sending pleasant sparks through me. Together we head towards my home, neither of us daring to speak a word.


Fitz's arms are crossed, and his face is set in a scowl, but the moment he sees me and Sophie, his expression clears and his arms drop to his sides.

"Biana! Sophie!" He hurries forwards like a worried mother, stopping in front of us and smiling shyly. "What took you so long?"

I shrug as indifferently as I can and jab a thumb towards Sophie, whose head was still lowered.

"Sophie?" My brother asks in concern. "What's the matter? Are you ready to...talk?"

Sophie lifts her head, again revealing her beautiful brown eyes, filled with tears. I hesitate, dying to comfort her, but knowing that in this world, that's Fitz's job.

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