Part III: Chapter Four

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A/N: huge apologies for this very, very late update! I've been so busy, it's not funny at all. But ... are you ready for a plot twist? ;)


Everglen has never looked so bleak.

I stand alone, frozen at the entrance, telling myself to open the doors and walk in. To stride in with pride and courage and strength. But I don't. I stand there, limbs like stone, hands curled into fists. Wow, Fitz. I can't even walk into my own house.

Is Biana here? Does she know about my dramatic "I"m gay" episode? Suddenly, I wish that I had talked to her before all this. She may be my little sister, but when it comes to love, she clearly knows better than I do. Just look at Biana and Sophie! How am I supposed to be as strong as them?

You don't have to be like anyone, I imagine Dex saying. Just be yourself.

A small smile creeps across my face as I think of the previous events. Everything's happening so fast, and I can barely wrap my head around it. No, scratch that. I have no idea what in the Lost Cities is going on.

All I know is that Dexter Alvin Dizznee had asked me to be his boyfriend, and I shouted "YES", and we started laughing like we were absolutely insane. And we probably are, but that's fine, because I had leaned over and pecked Dex Dizznee on his soft, smiling lips, and my stomach exploded with butterflies.

I run a hand through my hair, a soft laugh passing through my lips randomly as I continue to stare at Everglen's intimidating doors. I should actually walk in now, and do what I'm here for ...

I sigh, thinking back to our conversation. After laughing and kissing and talking about nothing in particular, I told Dex about coming out to my parents and dramatically exiting immediately. We agreed that it would be better to be out to both of our families for this whole relationship thing to work, but I don't think Dex expected me to suggest talking to my parents right away.

"I left right after telling them," I'd said. "I didn't see their reactions or anything. I should talk to them ..."

And then I looked Dex in the eye, and my breath caught.

He looked at me like I was a hero. Like I was the best elf in the Lost Cities. The look was ... amazing. Others used to tell me that Sophie looked at me like that, but that's not right, because whenever I lock eyes with her, all I see is trust. Trust, and friendship.

Nothing else.

But with Dex ...

I'm launched back into the present when the door in front of me opens. My heart jumps into my throat and I physically step back, startled.


My mom stands there, eyebrows raised in surprise. I guess it's weird to have your (gay) son standing on your doorstep even though he literally has the house key.

"Oh, Fitz," Mom breathes, rushing at me and embracing me. I blink, staggering; my turn to be surprised. Her arms are warm and comforting, and I hug her back, a timid smile touching my lips.

"Fitz, you know that we love you no matter what, right?" Mom says, pulling back to meet my eyes. "I don't care if you're gay or bi or straight or crooked. I love you, and so does your father, even if he's bad at showing it."

"Thanks, Mom," I mumble, heat rising to my face. She smiles, tugging me into the house.

"You should talk to him," she replies, and I know she's talking about Dad.

"That's what I'm here for," I tell her.


Dad is sitting in the living room, scanning some old scrolls and drinking tea. I slowly approach him, not daring to say anything. He doesn't look intimidating at all. His legs are up on the couch and he looks as unprofessional as ever.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: LGBTQ+ EditionWhere stories live. Discover now