PII: Chapter Five

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A/N: You guys are the best! Thanks for all the support on last chapter! Sorry for the slow update. Here's the last part of Part II!! (And we're #6 in Kam! Yay!)

Dedicated to ssipes2713 for the support! Thanks so much!!


I miss him already.

I stare into the sky, to where Keefe and the alicorn had been moments ago. I sigh. I have to go.

I trudge back to the cabin that Alvar and I are stuck in. Alvar's snores can be heard from quite a distance away. I can't help but skip a little as I walk.

I'm Keefe's boyfriend! Keefe Sencen! And he's mine!

I could barely believe it, reliving our kisses over and over in my head. He's mine. Yet he was so far...

What I would give to be on the back of that alicorn, arms around Keefe's waist and cringing as the wind blew back my bangs. Flying to my freedom...to Keefe, to Linh, and all of our friends.


I glare down at my wrist, where the Neverseen latched their damn bracelet tracker to mark my location. Their mysterious Technopath had made it and gave it to Alvar. Alvar seemed rather sadistically gleeful about that, since it was similar to the device Dex had created to keep Alvar before.

I sigh and enter the cabin, glancing at the closed door leading to Alvar's room. More snores. Honestly, if it weren't for that damn tracker, I could walk right out and Alvar would have no idea. But it electrocuted me if I left the forest.

There would be no escaping. Not yet. But at least I could still see Keefe.

Keefe. My boyfriend.



I duck, throwing a punch at Alvar's sternum, but Alvar easily evades me and shoves my shoulder. I stumble, falling to the ground. Alvar rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Get back up, Song," he growls. "I'll gladly whip your ass until you get the hang of this."

"Shut up," I mutter under my breath, rising to my feet with difficulty. I'd thought that sparring with Alvar would be easy. Defeat Mr. Spoiled Rich Boy? Piece of mallowmelt. But Alvar was proving me wrong. I shake out my arms. And it's not fair that he gets to wear armour and I don't.

Alvar releases a feral snarl that really doesn't compliment him and lunges at me. I dodge, aiming a roundhouse kick at his stomach. It hits, but Alvar is protected with a stiff makeshift breastplate and the impact does nothing.

He knocks me back to the ground. I ignore his taunts, his poisonous words, and steel myself. Ice eyes, mischievous smirk, bright laugh. I'm okay.

I'm okay. Just think about Keefe and Linh. I'm okay.

"Get up!"

I stand, and without warning, dash at Alvar and slam my fists into his nose. Alvar howls with pain and falls to the ground.

Even far away, Keefe calms me down. Just the mere thought of him. I smile to myself, glancing up at the sky where he had departed.

Don't worry, Keefe. I'll be okay.

I hold out a hand to Alvar.

"Get up."

A/N: that was so short and cheesy. Oh my word; I'm sorry that was so horrible. Anyways, that's the end of PII! Thanks for sticking with me, and here we come with PIII! <3

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