Tea in a Cell

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It had been several weeks since the incident at the science base. Beatrice had been transferred a few days after the incident.  She now worked in the same building as the Doctor. The same building where the Master was currently being held.

Beatrice knew she should have been freaked out and possibly traumatized by the experience of getting held hostage by an alien psychopath. But honestly, she felt just fine. She was more intrigued by the experience the frightened. 

Jo had gone on break for a few weeks to see her family so Beatrice had been left to fill the role of the Doctor's assistant. This mostly consisted of passing him test tubes and bringing tea. This was fine by Beatrice as she found watching the Doctor work extremely fascinating. 

She was constantly curious about the different experiments that he did and he was quite happy to explain things for her.

His experiments weren't the only thing that she was curious about, she was also curious about the Master. She didn't know what it was that made her so interested in him but now that her curiosity had been piqued Beatrice longed to know more about the mysterious man residing several floors below.

For what seemed like the millionth time Beatrice attempted to get information on the Master out of the Doctor.

"So, you and the Master went to school together?" she said casually as she brought the Doctor some tea and sandwiches.

"Yes, at the Academy. On Gallifrey." said the Doctor shortly.

"But if you two were friends back then how can you be so different now?" Beatrice asked.

"People change over time. What someone is like as a child can be very different than as an adult."

"What was he like then?" she said in curiosity.

"Miss. Rosenfield, I really would appreciate it if you dropped the subject of the Master. He is a dangerous criminal and that is all that you need to know." The Doctor's voice was polite but firm. 

Beatrice sighed heavily. "Fine. If I really have to." This was always how it went. Whenever she tried to wheedle any information on him that wasn't in his criminal file, which was quite extensive all things considered. 

Beatrice had been forced to stop herself from laughing a little when she read about his attempt to take over the world using plastic flowers.

As she left the room she pondered what to do. Obviously, she wasn't going to be getting any answers out of the Doctor, which only left the Master. 

However, he was under lock and key. She didn't know how she could get down there to talk with him. He was a dangerous criminal but the idea of seeing him again excited her a little. She would just have to wait for the right opportunity.

Much to her delight, said opportunity came much quicker than she expected.

Every year UNIT had a giant New Years party that everyone went to. With most people distracted up there she could surely sneak down to visit the Master. 

On the evening of the party, she set a tea tray with 3 mugs and headed down to the cells. As she went down further the sounds from the party slowly faded. Finally, she reached his cell which was being guarded. 

"Hey!" shouted the guard on duty. "You aren't supposed to be here." Beatrice shrugged.

"I just wanted to talk to him. Besides, I brought you a mug of tea. It is a shame you're stuck on duty while everyone is at the party."

"You aren't seeing him Beatrice," said the guard firmly. Beatrice sighed. 

"Yes, I am. Unless you want me to tell the Brigadier how you were snogging Captain Bell a few weeks ago while you were on duty." The guard paled. "You can still stand guard. Just let me in, and if I get hurt because I went in there, I will make sure the Brig doesn't make it your fault." The guard wavered. 

STARCROSSED (A Doctor Who Fanfiction) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now