Christmas with the Master Part 2

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The Master leaned in the doorway of his TARDIS watching Beatrice. His lips twitched upwards slightly. She was looking exceptionally beautiful tonight. The green looked stunning on her making her fiery red hair stand out.

"Shall we head into town?" he asked at last. Beatrice nodded. "Come on then," he said offering his arm politely. Just because he was an evil genius who tried to take over the world every day didn't mean he could dispose of his manners.

Beatrice had a look of pure wonder over her face as she looked around. It was brief occasions like these that the Master somewhat understood why the Doctor liked carrying around human sidekicks. Their reactions could be refreshing at times.

Not for the first time, the Master contemplated the hazel-eyed girl. He truly did enjoy her presence. She understood his humour and often his motivations even if she didn't always agree with his actions. 

"So where is this and how did you find out about it?" Beatrice asked.

"The planet is actually called Snowland, and I came across it when I accidentally landed her a few centuries ago. It was a nice break." He replied.

"I was unaware that evil ever took breaks," she said teasingly. Beatrice was likely the only person besides the Doctor who could get away with the sort of banter she engaged in with him.

"Well, we all need a break occasionally." He said simply. Music was coming from a brightly lit hall. He gestured toward it and the two entered. There were garlands and other decorations all around. A slow song began to play and the Master graciously offered his hand.

"May I have this dance," he asked politely.

"Yes, you may," replied Beatrice as they stepped out onto the floor. The dance was similar to a waltz with one of his hands holding hers and the other at the small of her back.

"They don't celebrate Christmas on Gallifrey do they?" she asked after a bit.

"No, we have other holidays but Christmas not one of them. I merely acknowledge it when I am on earth during that time. It isn't something I tend to keep track of although the Doctor seems to adore it." The Master told her.

"Tell me a bit about Gallifrey. It sounds like an interesting place," she asked.

"My, aren't you a curious one. Surely the Doctor would be a better candidate to ask."

"Well, you know all about my planet. And the Doctor isn't really in the mood to discuss Gallifrey given what a pain in the neck the Timelord council or whatever is." The Master chuckled slightly.

"Yes, those in power can certainly be rather stuck up at times. I can say almost for certain that you wouldn't get along with any of the authority figures. Not that I don't understand it. As you know, an attempted overthrow of the Lord President was what landed me my status as a renegade."

"Somehow it isn't that much of a stretch to imagine you doing that. But what about the planet itself?" Beatrice said with a smile. How he loved that smile.

"I do admit it is beautiful. Pastures of red grass that the children play in a large golden central city, surrounded by a dome. There are two suns even brighter than your earth's sun and once a month the moon looks like it is made of pure silver." He said giving her a little spin.

"It sounds gorgeous, I can imagine you and the Doctor there as children. You went to school, together right?" Beatrice said in awe.

"Yes, I did attend the academy with the Doctor."

"I imagine you gave the teachers hell. You two are bad enough as adults, I shudder to think of how you were as kids," she said jokingly.

"We did cause quite a bit of trouble as I recall." The Master agreed. The silence returned. But it was a comfortable one.

"By the way, if you EVER tell anyone about this I will kill you and not even regeneration is going to save you." Beatrice threatened despite the small smile on her face.

"Somehow I don't doubt your ability to do that," the Master replied. They danced a little more before leaving. The snow was getting heavier. The Master noticed Beatrice shiver slightly.

"You must be cold in that dress." The Master said draping his suit jacket over her shoulders.

"Thank you," said Beatrice. They made their way back to his TARDIS and entered. A few minutes later the ship landed in a store cupboard. She returned his jacket. "That was a lovely trip. You certainly made my holiday," she said smiling up at him. He returned the smile.

"I found it quite enjoyable as well." He told her.

"So, I take it that it is back to mischief as usual tomorrow?" Beatrice inquired.

"What else? You could always come with me if you want," he offered. She smiled but shook her head.

"I would like to Master, honestly, I would. But our morals are too different." She placed her hand over his with a gentle smile. "I can't be your permanent companion, but if you ever decide to visit a place for the heck of it, you can count me in."

"I'll bear that in mind, I look forward to meeting again," the Master said to her. He was unsurprised by her answer. Her morals were a part of her rather unique personality.

"Me too Master. Have a Happy Christmas," Beatrice said before doing the most surprising thing. She stood up on tiptoe and gave him a light peck on the cheek. Then, with a final wave, she left the closet. The Master watched, somewhat stunned, as Beatrice skipped away down the corridor.

Author's note: Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying this story so far. Like and comment if you can please.  Happy Holidays to you all. Please like and comment. Thanks for reading! Until next time Whovians!

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